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Israel`s diverse culture stems from the diversity of the population:
Jews from around the world have brought their cultural and religious traditions with them, creating a melting pot of Jewish customs and beliefs. Israel is the only country in the world where life revolves around the Hebrew calendar. Work and school holidays are determined by the Jewish holidays, and the official day of rest is Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath. Israel`s substantial Arab minority has also left its imprint on Israeli culture in such spheres as architecture,music, and cuisine.
1967: Six Day War. Israel and the Arab countries have been in an The official state of war since 1948. However, the first five months of 1967 brought an intensification of hostilities with the Egyptians moving troops into the Sinai and closing the shippping lanes, the Syrians shelling farms in the north, and terrorist attacks coming through all the borders. On June 5, 1967 Israel launched a preemptive strike on all fronts. After six days, the Israelis had conquered the Sinai, the Golan Heights

Yosef Shai Benayoun more commonly known as Yossi Benayoun is an Israeli football player currently playing for Liverpool in the English Premier League. Benayoun plays as an attacking midfielder, occupying the space just behind the striker. In Israel he is nicknamed "The Kid", and he is the captain of the Israeli national football team.
Israel`s immense history, sheer profusion of natural landscapes and multicultural diversity are reflected in a vibrant art scene with a plethora of local and global influences. A stroll through the artists` quarters or Jerusalem, Safed, and Jaffa, and along the tree-lined boulevards of Tel Aviv, reveals a host of galleries displaying the works of established international names and exciting newcomers. Overall, the country`s art is widely noted for its use of bright Mediterranean

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