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Activated carbon@MgO@Fe3O4 as an efficient adsorbent for As (III) removal

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12페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국탄소학회 수록지정보 : Carbon letters / 31권 / 5호
저자명 : Hossein Esmaeili, Seyyed Mojtaba Mousavi, Seyyed Alireza Hashemi, Wei‑Hung Chiang, Somayeh Ahmadpour Abnav


1 Introduction
2 Chemicals and procedures
2.1 Materials
2.2 Stock solution
2.3 Preparation of Fe3O4MgOAC nanoparticles
2.4 Characterization
2.5 Uptake experiments
3 Results and discussion
3.1 Characteristics of the adsorbent
3.2 Effect of various factors on the sorption of As(III)
3.3 Comparing the results with previous studies
3.4 Isotherm of adsorption
3.5 Kinetic study of the uptake process
3.6 Adsorption thermodynamic
3.7 The reusability of the Fe3O4MgOactivated carbon composite
4 Conclusion

영어 초록

In this study, Fe3O4/ MgO/Activated carbon composite was used to remove arsenic ion (As (III)) from aqueous media. To this end, Frangula Alnus was used to prepare activated carbon (AC) by calcination in the furnace at 700 °C for 4 h and was then used to synthesize the MgO/Fe3O4/AC composite. To study the surface properties of the composite, various analyses such as SEM, EDX/Mapping, FTIR, DLS, BET and VSM were applied. According to the BET analysis, the specific surface area and average pore size of the Fe3O4/ MgO/AC composite were obtained as 190.92 m2/g and 7.57 nm, respectively, which showed that the aforementioned nanocomposite had a mesoporos structure with an excellent specific surface area. Also, VSM analysis indicated that the composite had a superparamagnetic property and could be easily separated from the solution by a magnet. Moreover, the results of the As (III) sorption indicated that the highest uptake efficiency was obtained 96.65% at pH = 7, adsorbent dosage = 0.13 g/L, t = 35 min, T = 45 °C and Co = 6 mg/L. In addition, the pseudo-second-order model could better describe the kinetic behavior of the sorption process. Furthermore, Langmuir model was the best model to describe the equilibroium behavior of the As(III) ion sorption. Besides, according to the the thermodynamic study, enthalpy change and entropy change were obtained 58.11 kJ/mol and 224.49 J/mol.K, respectively, indicating that the sorption process was spontaneous and endothermic. According to the results, the Fe3O4/ MgO/AC composite was a good adsorbent with the extraordinary properties, which can be used on an industrial scale.

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Activated carbon@MgO@Fe3O4 as an efficient adsorbent for As (III) removal
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