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Effects of Feeding Fungal and Bacterial Fermented Soya Proteins on Blood Hematology, Enzymes and Immune Cell Populations in Weaned Pigs

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6페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 강원대학교 동물자원공동연구소 수록지정보 : 동물자원연구 / 18권
저자명 : Young Gwon Kim, Prashant Shinde, Jae Yong Choi, Myung Sang Kwon, Byung Jo Chae


ABSTRACT Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. Materials and Methods 1. Experimental animals and diets 2. Analytical methods Ⅲ. Results and Discussion Acknowledgement Ⅳ. References

영어 초록

In this study 300 weaned pigs (Landrace × Yorkshire × Duroc, 23±3 d of age, 5.56± 1.21 kg initial body weight) were used to study the effect of fungal (Aspergillus oryzae, FSP-A) and fungal + bacteria (Aspergillus oryzae + Bacillus subtilis, FSP-B) fermented soya proteins on their blood hematology, enzymes and immune cell populations. Pigs were allotted to 5 treatments, each comprising of 4 pens with 15 pigs. Basal diets consisted of 15% soyabean meal (Control diet) while for treatment diets SBM was replaced with 3 and 6% of each FSP-A and FSP-B, respectively. The experimental diets were fed from 0 to 14 day after weaning and then a common commercial diet was fed from 15 to 35 day. Blood was collected on 14 and 35 day of experiment and analyzed for hematology, aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT) and immune cell populations. At d 14, lower RBC count, Hb and HCT values and higher AST values were noted in pigs fed FSP-A diets when compared with Control and FSP-B fed pigs.Also at d 14 pigs fed 6% FSP-A had lower NE (P<0.05) when compared with those fed 6% FSP-B. The level of FSP influenced the RDW on d 14 and MCHC, MO and MPV on d 35. In addition on d 35, pigs fed 3% FSP-A had lesser NE than those fed 6% FSP -A and Control diet, while pigs fed 6% FSP-B had the highest number of MO compared to other treatments. But there were no differences in the plasma AST and ALT values on d 35. Thus it may be concluded that the FSP either by fungal or fungal + bacterial sources had an influence on the blood hematological status and the populations of immune cells.

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탑툰 이벤트
Effects of Feeding Fungal and Bacterial Fermented Soya Proteins on Blood Hematology, Enzymes and Immune Cell Populations in Weaned Pigs
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