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개량종 돼지와 재래 흑돼지에서 도체중과 등지방 두께간의 상관 관계

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최종 저작일
11페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,200원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 강원대학교 동물자원공동연구소 수록지정보 : 동물자원연구 / 18권
저자명 : 가천흥, 이종인, 김병완, 고용균, 김종복


ABSTRACT Ⅰ. 서론 Ⅱ. 재료 및 방법 1. 자료 2. 통계 분석 Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰 1. 평균 능력 2. 도체등급별 출현율의 성별 차이 3. 도체 형질의 성별 최소 자승 평균치 4. 도체 형질들 간의 잔차상관 및 편상관 계수 5. 도체중에 대한 등지방 두께의 회귀 Ⅳ. 적요 사사 Ⅴ. 인용문헌

영어 초록

This study was conducted to compare the carcass characteristics of native type black pigs (Black pigs) with those of commercial cross bred pigs (Commercial pigs) with the data collected from pig farms. 8364 and 33786 records were collected from Black pigs and the Commercial pigs, respectively. The Commercial pigs were mainly from three breed crosses of Yorkshire, Landrace and Duroc. Commercial pig data was subdivided into manual and machine sub data set on the judging method. Black pigs showed lower carcass weight (CWT) and thinner back fat thickness (BFT) than Commercial pigs. However, the ratio of BFT to CWT (BFT/CWT ratio) was higher in Black pigs than Commercial pigs. The carcass grades of Commercial pigs were mostly in A and B, C, and D in descending order, while the grades D or E were observed in most carcass of Black pigs. Barrow tended to be thicker in BFT and higher in BFT/CWT ratio than gilt both in Commercial and Black pigs, and gilt were higher in loin depth (LD) and Estimated Lean Yield Percentage (ELP) which were available only in the data by machine evaluation of Commercial pigs. Residual correlation coefficient (+0.496) between carcass weight and back fat thickness in Black pigs did not differ from those in Commercial pigs which were +0.434 and +0.414 in the data by manual and machine evaluation, respectively. The linear regression coefficients of back fat thickness on carcass weight were +0.364 mm in Black pigs, and +0.257 mm (manual evaluation) and +0.236 (machine evaluation) in Commercial pigs, which suggests relative accumulation rate of BFT to the growth of weight was faster in Black pigs than Commercial pigs.

참고 자료



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개량종 돼지와 재래 흑돼지에서 도체중과 등지방 두께간의 상관 관계
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