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‘멜랑콜리’와 탈식민 ‘정치’: W. B. 예이츠의 경우

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최종 저작일
37페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 8,600원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국예이츠학회 수록지정보 : The Yeats Journal of Korea / 28권
저자명 : 구자광


I. 서론
1. 프로이트 : 멜랑콜리와 도덕적 마조히즘
2. 랑시에르 : 식민 '정책'과 탈 식민 '정치'
3. 프로이트의 멜랑콜리와 랑시에르의 정치
예이츠의 작품 분석
1. 에도와 멜랑콜리의 차이
2. 멜랑콜리한 투사들
3. 피의 희생, 성애적 정치 : 여성=민족=흡혈귀
4. 멜랑콜리와 기록

영어 초록

In the period of nationalism, W. B. Yeats's works address the loss of nation and resolute fights for independence and remembrance of the fighters killed in the struggles. Freudian ideas of mourning and melancholy and moral masochism and Jacques Rancière's ideas of colonial 'policy' or 'police order' and postcolonial 'politics' can provide effective tools to understand characteristics of the post-colonial works by Yeats. By putting side by side Freud and Rancière, we can produce a combination of mourning-colonial police-order vs. melancholy-post-colonial politics. The colonial police-order induces the colonized Ego to forget the loss of nation and move on to other objects, for example, money, through mourning. Melancholic post-colonial fighters derail the workings of mourning espoused by the colonial policy or police order. Melancholy and moral masochism of the colonized Ego are the driving forces of post-colonial struggles. Melancholy of the colonized Ego and sadism of the Super-Egoic demand of independence and moral masochism of the colonized Ego can explicate the bloody and 'erotic' relationships between the colonized Ego and the womanized ideal of nation, which have been interpreted as 'fatal mistress,' 'eroticized politics' and 'vampirism' by many Yeats critics. But melancholy and moral masochism drove the colonized Ego to fall into a fatal love relation with the female symbol of nation demanding unconditional sacrifice of the colonized Ego, which renders 'eroticized politics' and 'vampirism' noticeable.

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