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Effect of Dietary Genetically Modified β-Carotene Biofortified Rice on Immune in Rats

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7페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국동물번식학회 수록지정보 : Reproductive & developmental biology / 36권 / 2호
저자명 : Soo Jin Park, Mihye Jeong, Kyung-Hun Park, Jae-Eup Park


ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials and Feed Study Animals Analysis of the Blood Sample Analysis of Immunogloblin and Cytokine Statistical Analysis RESULTS Weight and Feed Intake Amount Analysis of Blood Sample Measurement of the Contents of Immunoglobulin and Cytokine DISCUSSION REFERENCES

영어 초록

This study aims to examine the effect of Genetically Modified β -Carotene Biofortified Rice rice developed by simultaneous expression technology in NAAS on biological immunity. Accordingly, this study added Genetically Modified β-Carotene Biofortified Rice 25, 50% and general rice 50% as control group into diet and provided rats with the prescribed feeds and then measured the contents of immunoglobulin and cytokine in blood. As a result, male and female IgM, IgE, male IgG1, female IgG2a and TNF-a, IL5 and IL12 showed no significant difference; male IgG2a tended to decrease dependently on the combined concentration of Genetically Modified β-Carotene Biofortified Rice; female IgG1 showed significance with control group, but its association with diet was not found. The higher the dietary mixing ratio, the more the male and female IFN-a and female IL-4 contents, regardless of rice variety, and it was found that female IL6 content decreased significantly, but its association with diet was not found. The risk of beta carotene-enriched rice into environment and human body has not been reported yet. The digestion of Genetically Modified β-Carotene Biofortified Rice can be seen as "safe" as this test result showed no big difference between general rice and Genetically Modified β-Carotene Biofortified Rice, and its usability is full of suggestions.

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Effect of Dietary Genetically Modified β-Carotene Biofortified Rice on Immune in Rats
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