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[Keith W Waldron의 Advances in biorefineries 챕터 요약] 혐기성 대사와 발효를 통한 바이오메탄(biomethane)과 바이오수소(biohydrogen) 생산

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
26페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


본 자료는 Keith W Waldron의 저서 Advances in Biorefineries: Biomass and Waste Supply Chain Exploitation의 한 챕터(Biomethane and biohydrogen production via anaerobic digestion/fermentation)를 요약한 자료로, 영문으로 작성한 발표자료입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Basic principles of biogas and hydrogen production
3. Biogas and biohydrogen production: technological aspects
4. Production of biogas (methane) and biohydrogen from different feedstocks
5. Current status and limitation
6. Future trends


□ Biogas: Mixture of methane and carbon dioxide
□ Biohydrogen: Intermediate product of anaerobic digestion process → Not accumulated under normal conditions
➢ The sustainable production of hydrogen requires the production of biogas

❖ In this study
Details of the yields of methane and hydrogen from different feedstocks
The drawbacks and potential of applying the above technologies

참고 자료

Waldron, K. W. (Ed.). (2014). Advances in Biorefineries: Biomass and Waste Supply Chain Exploitation. Elsevier.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[Keith W Waldron의 Advances in biorefineries 챕터 요약] 혐기성 대사와 발효를 통한 바이오메탄(biomethane)과 바이오수소(biohydrogen) 생산
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