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<리서치페이퍼>Teaching Children in English(reserch paper)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
21페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


어린이들의 영어 교육에 대한 리서치 페이퍼

미국 ELS 마스터를 졸업하면서 2달동안 쓰고 고치고 쓰고 고치고 하면서

제출 했던 리서치 페이퍼 입니다... A+ 받음


Background Paragraph
Teaching by games
Teaching by plays
Little Red Riding Hood.
Teaching by stories
Teaching by songs
8. Counter Arguments Paragraph:
9. Concluding Paragraph:



There are more and more children starting to learn English, and the starting age of English learning has lowered. It is becoming a trend that children learn English in Taiwan. Many scholars are dedicated to investigating methods of English learning of young children these years. And the Ministry of Education has set up the proposal to object to the policy of the education of whole English for young kids on February 9th, 2004. However, many parents strongly opposed this proposal. As a result, on August 10th 2004, Department of Education of Taipei city Government declared young children can learn English by activities an hour per day. The aim of the research is to probe how teachers employ activities in the teaching of young children English, and what kind of activities can achieve the educational purpose. The activities of this research include four parts: games, plays, story-telling, and songs.

참고 자료


Pbs Kids Between The Lions Parents & Teachers. 2000-08. WGBH Educational Foundation and Sirius Thinking, Ltd. Nov 25 2008

GenkiEnglish. 1999-2008. Richard Graham. Nov 25, 2008)

Kids’ Best Website. Unknown. Nov 26, 2008

Harry, Collis. 101 American English Riddles: Understanding Language and Culture Through Humor. United States: McGraw-Hill, February 9, 1996.

Gruber, Suzanne. The Monster under My Bed. United States: Troll Communications, January 1985.

Ransom, Candice. Little Red Riding Hood, United States: Brighter Child, August 23 2001.

Honig, Alice S. Playtime Learning games for young children. United States: Syracuse University Press, 1982.

Carvert, Chris. Frank, Laurie & Friends. Games For Teachers, United States: Wood ‘N’ Barnes Publishing & Distribution, 1999.
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&lt;리서치페이퍼&gt;Teaching Children in English(reserch paper)
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