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Cyber Terrorism 영어발표 자료

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


cyber terrorism에 대한 영어발표


1. Prepare the introduction
2. Prepare the preview
3. Prepare the first transition
4. Body1
5. Prepare the second transition
6. Body2
7. Prepare the third transition
8. Body3
9. Prepare the last transition
10. Summary
11. Memorable Concluding Remarks


1. Prepare the introduction

Have you ever had any computer problem such as virus or spam when you use the internet? These days, many people are very busy with their work so they meet on the Internet to communicate with each other. Sometimes people have problems that are caused from Internet and it is called cyber terrorism. Cyber terrorism is a premeditated, politically motivated criminal act by sub-national groups or clandestine agent against information computer systems, computer programs, and data that result in physical violence where the intended purpose is to create fear in non-combatant targets.

2. Prepare the preview
Today, we will be talking about three issues related to cyber terrorism.
1) Irresponsibility of anonymity.
2) Invasion by hacking and virus to show off their ability
3) No limit to make or lose money in the cyber space

3. Prepare the first transition
O.K. Let’s get started. First, we will learn about irresponsibility of anonymity on the internet.

4. Body1

As the Internet culture is related to our life, it is more and more important for us, but it also causes a lot of problems. One of the problems is cyber terrorism. Now, it is a social problem which we should solveimmediately. This is the social phenomenon made by computer and development of communication skills. Terrorism is not only a problem in modern society but also a problem in cyber space. And the cause of cyber terrorism is anonymity because people hide their identity on the network.

참고 자료

Netan, newspaper, encyclopedia..
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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