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휴대폰의 과거 현재 미래(영문)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


휴대폰 - 휴대폰(모바일 기기)의 과거와 현재 미래


History and Future of Mobile Devices with Technology

1) The History of Wireless Technology and Spread to the World
2) The History of Mobile Device in Korea
3) Classification of Mobile Technology Generation.

The Present State of Mobile Devices with Technology

(1) Up-to-date Mobile Devices in the World (2006)
(2) Current Technology
The Future of Mobile Devices with Technology

(1) Anticipation on Mobile Devices in the Future
(2) Advances in the Mobile Technology: The Way It Should Go



Everyone uses the cell-phone, which represents mobile devices, that convenient gadget that has a variety of abilities. It enables people to communicate by sending a message or a phone call, to enjoy listening to music or watching movies. Although mobile devices look like a small and simple box, they have enormous hardware and software technology such as CDMA, WIBRO, and Bluetooth. It seems that mobile devices appeared a dozen years ago; however, technology that is used in mobile devices boast a long history even beyond our imagination. In the main discourse, history, present, and future of mobile devices and technology will be covered.
The History of Mobile Devices with Technology

1) The History of Wireless Technology and Spread to the World

G.M Marconi succeeded in an experiment to transmit a wireless signal in Italy. He proved his experiment by sending a radio telegraph to two different places. After his successful experiment, he planned to send a radio telegraph between Europe and America.

참고 자료

The Bluetooth Technology Web Site “Bluetooth Basics” Available [Online] : http://www.bluetooth.com/Bluetooth/Learn/Basics/ [08 Dec 2006]

Sung Sun, Jo, IT Find “The Bluetooth Technology and Market Trend” Available [Online] :
http://kidbs.itfind.or.kr/WZIN/jugidong/1081/108103.htm [07 Dec 2006[

“History of Wireless Technology” Available [Online] :
http://media.wiley.com/product_data/excerpt/95/04708494/0470849495.pdf [03 Dec 2006]

SK Telecom Mobile Museum “Mobile History” Available [Online] :
http://www.momu.co.kr/ [22 Nov 2006]

Ericsson “IMS(IP-Multimedia System)” Available [Online] :
[16 Dec 2006]

SK Telecom “Latest SK mobile phones” Available [Online] :
http://phone.sktelecom.com [29 Dec 2006]

Sony Ericsson “Products introduction” Available [Online] :
http://www.sonyericsson.co.jp/product/docomo/so903i/form.html [29 Dec 06]

Online Encyclopedia WIKIPEDIA “Arm architecture” Available [Online] :
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARM_architecture [31 Dec 2006]

ITU(International Telecommunication Union) “Telecom standardization” [Online] :
http://www.itu.int/home/index.html [02 Jan 2007]
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