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[인문]Who’s Monitoring Your E-Mail?

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회사내 email 관련 privacy 에 관련된 리서치 페이퍼입니다.




Employee privacy has become the latest ethical dilemma in today’s business world. Hewlett Packard is a living horror story of what employee privacy issues can do to a company. In the spring of 2006, Hewlett Packard Chairwoman Patricia Dunn suspected that there was a leak on the board of directors. Private company information was getting into the hands of media members. Dunn handled the situation the way many would, she hired private investigators to find out who the “leak” was. A few months later, Dunn was the former Chairwoman of Hewlett Packard and was testifying in front of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. From a legal standpoint, Dunn had crossed the line. The investigators she hired used an illegal method called pretexting; the fraudulent acquisition of phone records by impersonating someone else. By obtaining phone records illegally, the investigators encroached upon the personal property of seven board members, two employees, and nine members of the media. The “leak” was found, but Dunn paid for it, even though she denied any knowledge of the pretexting. In this case, the legality of the act was not in question, pretexting was illegal and fraudulent, but in many employee privacy cases there is no cut and dry answer to the legality question.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[인문]Who’s Monitoring Your E-Mail?
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