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미운 오리새끼 영어대본

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기




Ugly duck which cross the mountain continuously was tired. Ugly duck found a lake front in forest in the midst of do. Carrying on a pole jointly shouldered by two persons long and white and beautiful swans were playing in the lake front. Ugly duck saw the swans and is enviable. But, ugly duck that is seeing swan among see oneself who get in lake front and was surprised. It was image of Ready front swan.
Ugly duck : How long should I leave better? Oh ! There is lake front there. Wow! Swans which is there are really pretty. Long and white and really beautiful carrying on a pole jointly shouldered by two persons. Enviable. If I was beautiful like swan...
Swan : Oh! come here~ let's play with us.
Ugly duck : (Suprise) It`s me? Really? Thank you.
(Look at own who approach to lake front and shines in lake front) Wow! Why did I look like this? Occurred equally with swans. I cut into duck..
Swan : No! You are a swan! Fly once with wing
Ugly duck : (Wing flutter) Oh ! I can be better! How nice! I was not duck. It was a swan. I had white feather, and neck was long and beautiful swan. I am very happy than anyone at this moment now.
Swan : (widely laugh) Let's get along forward.
Ugly duck : Thank you. Get this happiness to ugly me who cut into duck. Did not think to dream really! Ah ~ be happy!

Ugly duck knows swan and lived whole life happily oneself.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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