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아주대 통합설계프로젝트1 전파테크(이해영교수님) 결과4 Richard's Transformation, Kuroda's Identities,Coupled line Filters

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20페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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아주대 통합설계프로젝트1 전파/RF테크 이해영 교수님 A+받은 레포트입니다.
한번도 배포된적 없는 100% 창작 자료입니다. .
Richard's Transformation, Kuroda's Identities,Coupled line Filters 관련 결과 레포트입니다.
RF/전파 관련 졸업작품 및 졸업프로젝트 진행중이신 분들이 참고하시면 좋은 자료입니다.
많은 도움 되시길 바랍니다.


1. Process of calculation to make Lowpass filter using Richard transformation, Kuroda identities

2. Lowpass filter fabrication using Lumped elements in ADS

3. Lowpass filter fabrication using Ideal line(TLIN,TLOC) in ADS

4. Lowpass filter fabrication using Microstrip line(MLIN,MLOC) in ADS

5. Lowpass filter fabrication using Microstrip line in HFSS

6. What is difference and Why is different graph of S-parameter of Lowpass filter between using Ideal line and Microstrip line

7. What is difference Why is different graph of S-parameter of Lowpass filter between using lumped elements and distributed elements

8. Why Lowpass filter looks like Bandstop filter and Why have period in this experiments


● Analysis of result datas (Question & Answer)

1. Process of calculation to make Lowpass filter using Richard transformation, Kuroda identities

(1) Spec of design
Object: Fabricate Lowpass filter using stubs
Cut-off frequency: 2GHz
Order N: 3
Impedance: 50ohm
Characteristic: 0.5dB equal ripple

(2) Answer
Step 1. Find g1,g2,g3,g4

→ First, we find g1,g2,g3,g4 when N is 3 and it has 0.5dB equal ripple. So these values are g1=1.5963, g2=1.0967, g3=1.5963, g4=1

<중 략>

3. Lowpass filter fabrication using Ideal line(TLIN,TLOC) in ADS
(1) Circuit and graph
CKT of Lowpass filter using Ideal line(TLIN,TLOC) in ADS
S-Parameter graph of LPF using Ideal line
Zoom in scale of S-21

(2) Spec of design
Object: Fabricate Lowpass filter using Ideal line
Cut-off frequency: 2GHz
Order N: 3
Impedance: 50ohm
Characteristic: 0.5dB equal ripple

(3) Answer
→ We use Ideal line(TLIN,TLOC) in ADS by designing like above circuit. the results are came out like above graph. Since we use ideal line, input signal that is red line above graph is rippled sharply. And see the zoom in scale output value in graph, we can check that the output signal is rippled in 5dB scale.

참고 자료

RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications(3th), Cripps Steve C.
Microwave Engineering(3rd), David M.Pozar
판매자 유형Silver개인인증


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아주대 통합설계프로젝트1 전파테크(이해영교수님) 결과4 Richard&#039;s Transformation, Kuroda&#039;s Identities,Coupled line Filters
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