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관세동맹이 기업과 국제경제에 미치는 영향

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6페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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본 보고서는 경제통합화 하나의 단계인 관세동맹의 영향에 대해 집중분석을 진행하였습니다. 구체적으로 말해서, 관세동맹의 Business관점과 국제 경제학정 측면에서 어떠한 위치를 점하고 있나 입니다. FTA와 다른 의미의 관세동맹의 명확한 이해가 가장 큰 장점이라고 생각합니다.


I. Introduction _______________________________________________________ 3
1. Economic integration ____________________________________________________________3
2. Custom union ______________________________________________________3
II. Effects of custom union: Advantage and Disadvantage ____________________3
1. Advantages of the custom union __________________________________________4
2. Disadvantages of the custom union ________________________________________4
III. Actual case: Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan ____________5
1. Purpose ________________________________________________________________________5
2. Effect of the custom union ______________________________________________5


I. Introduction
1. Economic integration
According to the Investopedia website, the definition of „Economic Integration‟ is as follows; “an economic arrangement between different regions marked by the reduction or elimination of trade barriers and the coordination of monetary and fiscal policies. The aim of economic integration is to reduce costs for both consumers and producers, as well as to increase trade between the countries taking part in the agreement”.
In short, the main purpose of „Economic Integration‟ is to vitalize the trade among not only the countries directly involved, or concerned, but also other countries. Generally, the direct effect of that must be evaluated positive in aspect of economy or business in case of the directly involved countries.
And, there are many types of economic integration (Investopedia website): preferential trade agreements (PTA), free trade areas (FTA), customs unions, common markets and economic and monetary unions. What difference is major among integrations? That is an extend of openness in view of economy among countries; that is to say, several steps, which are the level of openness, exist in economic integration. Details are:
Types of Economic Integration
Trade preference
for member nations
Abolish tariff
for member nations
Common external tariff for non-member nations
Guarantee the movement of production factors for member nations
Common economic policy fulfillment for
member nations
Establishing and operating
supranational institute

참고 자료

„INVESTOPEDIA‟ (Internet Website). Dictionary: „Economic Integration‟, 2012, (On-Line),
http://www.investopedia.com, Mar 30, 2012.(Visited)
Daniel Nikolas (2012). „What Are the Benefits of a Customs Union?‟. http://www.ehow.com
(On-Line), Apr 01, 2012(Visited)
„Wikipedia‟(2012). Article: Customs union. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Customs_union(On-line)
Mar 29, 2012(Visited)
RIA Novosti (2010). Article: Customs Union of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan to become fully operational
http://en.rian.ru/world/20100706/159703796.html (On-line), Mar 29, 2012(Visited)
Jean-Francois Denault( 2012). Article: Customs Union. http://www.whatisencyclopedia.com(On-line)
Jaeyoung Lee, Sherzod Shadikhodjaev, Soonchan Park, Jiyoung Hwang(2011). Report: Status and
implication on the CIS economic integration. Korea Institute for International Economic Policy.
KOTRA, Korea Trade-Investment promotion Agency(2010). Global Issue Report: „ Conclusion and effect
of custom union: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan‟
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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