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11페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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The University of Texas, Communication 학부 Nonverbal Communication 수업 노트필기1





Perspectives & Definitions of Nonverbal Communication
• Why study nonverbal communication?
- Txt, face to face we’re always using nonverbal communication.
• How much of our messages is communicated through our nonverbal?
- 90%(nonverbal) 60%(body language) 30%(verbal language)
• What judgment do we make based on other’s nonverbal?

•Defining Nonverbal Communication
- The text’s definition
- Communication produced by means other that words.(eyes, hands, postures, facial expression, analyezed behaviors- you do it unconsciously, you can’t stop)
- Distinction between verbal content & nonverbal content is difficult to define.

•Nonverbal Behavior in Communication Process
- Repeating (ex: Tell the direction and show the way by gestures)
- Substituting (ex: hold up 2 fingers instead of saying it aloud)
- Complementing (ex: more information than verbal. I caught a big fish. Show it how big it is by hands)
- Accenting/ Modeling (ex: Increase the message intensifying or deintensifying. Emphasizing 주먹지고 탁자를 치면서.)
- Regulating (ex: Regulate our own communication, When you change the subject, raise our voice, indicated by the tone of voice. Sit back – It’s your turn to talk.)
- Conflicting/ incongruent (ex: we want to give ambiguous message. Are you mad at m? “No” with soooo loud voice.
* We trust more of nonverbal behaviors. It’s hard to hide, and unintentional, so hard to fake.”

Classifying Nonverbal Behaviors
• Functions

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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