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final paper- framework for conceptualizing the professional knowledge of tachers and their pedagogic strategies,

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
21페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


The Final Paper in this course will help learners in developing a framework for conceptualizing the professional knowledge of tachers and their pedagogic strategies, including the processes through which such knowledge and pedagogy can be extended and improved.

More detailed guidelines will be available during the course.

(max. 4,500 words = 12‐15 double‐spaced pages).>>>


1. Beginning,
2. Middle
3. End
4. Assessment


I have taken several courses from teacher`s college. This past spring, I went out to a student teaching, too. In my doing so, what concerned me was always how to teach the students the materials of the course in a more effective way. I have realized that theory and reality are not the same, and that pedagogy is not something that you can acquire and learn over night. Moreover, I have become conscious that I need more pedagogical knowledge. That was the reason that I decided to take this course. In particular, for this final report, I wanted to make an overall framework for class.
Moreover, I think knowledge is not discovered or reproduced, but, rather, created and constructed. I am, therefore, very much interested in the class based on constructivism. For the 12 years basic education prior to collage, and also during my college years, I have seen so many classes which were done in a traditional rote method. There are certainly better teaching methods by which a student could build his/her own knowledge and ideas; nevertheless, the teachers seem to disregard such possibilities. It is a pity, in my opinion.

참고 자료

1) 다중지능과 학업성취의 관계에서 학습동기의 매개에 대한 탐색 다중지능과 학업성취의 관계에서 학습동기의 매개에 대한 탐색 ,이영, 숙명여자대학교 대학원, 2009.
2) <교수설계이론 > Jeroen J.G. van Merrieenboer, Paul A. Kirschner, 2010, 아카데미 프레스 , p.167.
3) 교수법 가이드, 나승일, 서울대 출판부 ,2009,p.230.
4) 교육학개론, 김영봉, 서현사, 2007,p.202.
5) 교육방법 및 교육공학, 이지현, 서현사, 2008, p.221.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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final paper- framework for conceptualizing the professional knowledge of tachers and their pedagogic strategies, 무료자료보기
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