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My First Overseas Trip

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


narrative essay 이 입니다.
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Have you ever been traveling overseas? Last summer vacation, I went to Thailand to see the sights with my older sister and my cousin. The memories of trip to Thailand give me energy whenever I am down. I will tell you about my first overseas trip that is the best trip of my life.
On July 16th, 2009, I was extremely nervous because it was my first overseas trip. I, my sister, and my cousin went to the Incheon International Airport with light hearts. After we shopped in the duty-free shop, we finally got on a plane. The flight time from Incheon to Bangkok was about five hours, and we were thrilled throughout the flight. When we arrived there, it was late at night, so we just stayed at the Thilan Hotel.
The day after our arrival, we were bused from Bangkok to Pattaya. First, we went to the Tiger zoo that was full of people to see tigers, crocodiles, and pigs. We were diverted by the tiger circus and crocodiles’ show. After the show, we heard a loud cry somewhere. The sounds like a baby crying. It was the baby tigers’ crying, and they look like cats. We gave baby tigers milk, and they dribbled milk from their mouth. I can’t forget the cute tigers. After we got the great Nong Nooch Village and the Watzzin temple, we checked in at the Mercure Hotel Pattaya which is located in the center of Pattaya. I was a little tired, but I thought we had a wonderful day

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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My First Overseas Trip
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