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Diagnostic Imaging of Congenital Meningoencephalocele in a Holstein Calf

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발행기관 : 한국수정란이식학회 수록지정보 : Journal of Embryo Transfer / 32권 / 1호
저자명 : Kyunghun Kwon, Byungho Lee, Sooyoung Choi, Jongki Cho, Youngwon Lee, Hojung Choi

영어 초록

A 10-day-old, Holstein calf with facial mass of 10 cm in diameter at the forehead region referred to Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital in Chungnam National University. The mass was soft and fluctuating swelling. It had normal skin and hair hanging forward from frontal region and was thought to contain cerebrospinal fluid.On the skull radiography, cauliflower like-irregular marginated, soft tissue opacity mass was identified craniodorsal to the frontal bone. The mass appeared as a cyst filled with anechoic fluid on ultrasonography. Soft tissue structures considered brain tissues were observed in the deep area of the mass. On the computed tomography, a large skull defect of left side frontal bone was found, and heterogeneous materials were exposed through the defect but exposure of cerebral meninges and brain tissue were not confirmative. On magnetic resonance imaging, herniated left brain parenchyma showed heterogenous T2 and T1 hyperinsensity. In the intracranium, T2 hyperinstense and T1 hypointense fluid was identified on the left side, instead of left cerebral parenchyma. Also leftward shift of right hemisphere and midline structure, including thalamus and midbrain, were observed. The definitive diagnosis was confirmed as a meningoencephalocele based on computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The calf was euthanized and necropsy was performed. On necropsy, both hemisphere were developed unequally with different size. One side hemisphere was grown in the outside through 10 cm hole on the median plane.

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Diagnostic Imaging of Congenital Meningoencephalocele in a Holstein Calf
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