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교육적 관계와 교육공동체에 관한 소고

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42페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육원리학회 수록지정보 : 교육원리연구 / 7권 / 1호
저자명 : 장상호

한국어 초록

하나의 독특한 삶의 양상으로 교육을 규정짓고 그 세계 안에서의 인간관계와 공동체의 특징을 이론적으로 다루었다. 먼저 필자가 그 동안 제안해 온 `교육본위론`을 토대로 스승과 제자의 관계를 도식화한 다음, 그 관계가 성립하고, 전개되고, 종료되는 제반 조건과 과정을 제시하였다. 교육적 관계는 수도계에서 선진과 후진을 일차적으로 가정함으로써 성립하며, 그 가정은 그것의 지속여부에 의해서 이차적으로 검증된다. 교육 안에 장치된 이런 메카니즘이 지식의 우열에 대한 판단과 관련하여 오늘날에 이르기까지 부단히 제기되어 왔던 인식론적인 문제를 해결하는 단초가 될 수 있음을 논의하였다. 마지막으로 교육을 목적으로 모인 교육공동체에서 그런 교육적 인간관계가 개인의 범위를 넘어서서 집단 안에서 더욱 복합적으로 작용하는 양상을 제시하였다.

영어 초록

It is always a challenge for educational researchers to uncover educational phenomena imbedded in our daily life. Describing ‘educational’ aspects of our life is not so simple as ordinary people usually think since it entails an articulated conceptual framework. This study demonstrates how revealing it is wen we view human relationships and communities from an endogenous perspective of education, a perspective which the researcher has only recently been developing. Education has two wings, ‘descending education(DE)’ and ‘ascending education(AE)’, both of which are contrasted and combined with their own elements. The educational relationship, as defined in this context, consists of two individuals interacting: a seuseung whose transtalent in a particular realm is more advanced and thus engages in DE; and a jeja whose transtalent in the same realm is less advanced and thus engages in AE. The collaborative, integrative force binding DE and AE together has the potential of turning asymmetry and competitiveness between the more advanced and the less advanced into a posture of symmetry and cooperation. The processes of establishing, sustaining, and culminating an educational relationship between two individuals are elaborated in detail. Since the transtalent of an individual is hidden and cannot be recognized before it is cultivated, it is inevitable that, unknowingly, one would establish an educational relationship with the hypothesis that one particular person would be more advanced than the other in a certain realm of transtalent. Each person assumes their role within this relationship as a seuseung or a jeja, according to the internal rules governing the combined elements of both DE and AE. If the initial assessment of each individuals transtalent level is accurate, then the relationship can be sustained and success will ensue. It is this success which presents strong evidence that the initial hypothesis is valid. However, it is not necessarily true that if the relationship fails the initial hypothesis is invalid, since there are multiple factors that contribute to the failure. This aspect of the educational relationship, described above, has a significant theoretical implication for answering a recurring epistemological problem: what is the higher from of knowledge? Today, judging a proposition or belief as either true or false is untenable, since few people believe there is an absolute truth. The objectivism which traditonlally claims to verify an empiric proposition by mainly relying on the observation, becomes dubious and unreliable since the observation is not independent of the theory. A seeming anarchism thereof is not permissible. Under the circumstances, the internal process of the educational relationship for establishing the relative position of the transtalent may be applicable as an alternative solution to the aforementioned problem. If knowledge is considered to be a particular form of transtalent in various sciece field, then it follows that by determining the transtalent level of the participants in an educational context, one would also be establishing which level of knowledge is superior. Finally, this paper investigates the educational community as a whole, including a discussion of the complex aspects present in multiple educational relationships. Equipped with a built-in inter-subjectivity conductive to education, the educational community allows its members to occupy the seuseung position and the jeja position simultaneously in concurrent multiple relationships. The legitimacy and justification of each member’ position in educational relationship could be made on the basis of group reference and solidarity. Such potency of the educational community is guaranteed as long as two main conditions are at least met. First, the community continues to reinforce the internal rules and climate through meta-education, a process in which education educates itself. Secondly, the community interacts with and gains

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