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A Forestage Study on River Crossing Passage across the Yangtze River Estuary

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 대한교통학회 수록지정보 : 대한교통학회지
저자명 : ZhangYi Qian


Ⅰ. An introduction
Ⅱ. The necessity of building the Shanghai urban district -Chongming Nantong river crossing passage
Ⅲ. The geographical conditions of the yantze River estuary and dredging the waterways
Ⅳ. Selecting sites, planning schemes for the river cross passage
Ⅴ. The technical feasibility regarding the passage of river crossing project
Ⅵ. A preliminary comparison among the river crossing schemes
Ⅶ. The conclusion words

한국어 초록

The Yangtze Delta region which is situated at the intersection of Yangtze River Economic strip and the coastal economic strip will, within the coming 10 years or a more longer period, present an entirely new appearance.
Communication is one of the important fundamental conditions for the economic development. Within recent years, the highway construction, the traffic enterprises in this region have gained an unprecedented development. It is, nevertheless, that the transportation of commuter movement, goods and materials as well as automobiles from the urban district in Shanghai to Chongming island and from Chongming to the northern past of Jiangsu Province still relies upon ferry boats or ships.
The backwardness of traffic transportation enterprises not only suppresses the economic development in these areas, but also affects leap forward of the coastal economic strip.
Under the leadership of Shanghai Municipal Scientific Committee, the Shanghai Municipal Engineering Administration Bureau organizes relevant units to carry out the forestage study on the river crossing passage across the Yangtze River estuary. This paper will combine the research work and puts forward certain points of view for reference.

영어 초록

The Yangtze Delta region which is situated at the intersection of Yangtze River Economic strip and the coastal economic strip will, within the coming 10 years or a more longer period, present an entirely new appearance. Communication is one of the important fundamental conditions for the economic development. Within recent years, the highway construction, the traffic enterprises in this region have gained an unprecedented development. It is, nevertheless, that the transportation of commuter movement, goods and materials as well as automobiles from the urban district in Shanghai to Chongming island and from Chongming to the northern past of Jiangsu Province still relies upon ferry boats or ships.The backwardness of traffic transportation enterprises not only suppresses the economic development in these areas, but also affects leap forward of the coastal economic strip. Under the leadership of Shanghai Municipal Scientific Committee, the Shanghai Municipal Engineering Administration Bureau organizes relevant units to carry out the forestage study on the river crossing passage across the Yangtze River estuary. This paper will combine the research work and puts forward certain points of view for reference.

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A Forestage Study on River Crossing Passage across the Yangtze River Estuary
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