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A Comparative Study on the Passenger's Time Saving Effects of Urban Express Railway Service

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 대한교통학회 수록지정보 : 대한교통학회지
저자명 : Kim Gyeng-Chul, Chang Byung-Hoon


1. Introduction
2. Research Review
3. Model for Calculating the Express Service Effects
4. Case Studies
5. Conclusion

한국어 초록

The goal of the transportation policy of Seoul is to increase the ridership of the subway system by constructing the public transportation network, the subway system. To accomplish this goal, the city of Seoul has been constructing the Metropolitan Subway System. Currently, seven subway lines which connect major areas in Seoul are operating. However, the ridership of subway system was not increased as much as we expected, even though more subway lines have been implemented. It seems that although the length of the subway line was extended, the current way of the subway operation that trains stop at every station cannot satisfy the passenger's need. Thus, we should try to increase the demand by providing quicker services and diversifying the subway operations; changing the point of view is required.
This paper introduces the distinctive features of the express subway system and the model for analysing the effects of that system. This paper also presents the results for the feasibility study of the express subway system on the 5th Subway Line and Kyong-Eue Railway Line.
Based on the results of the case studies, We can conclude as :
First, the express system reduces a total travel time by about 13%; in particular, the Kyong-Eue Line is more effective than the subway Line #5. Second, the shorter headway of express trains increases the time saving effects on subway system although it requests more waiting time to low-speed train passengers. When the service frequency is' increased from 5 to 7.5 times/hour, total saved time ratio is about 10% in the Subway Line #5 and about 18% in the Kyong-Eue Line.

영어 초록

The goal of the transportation policy of Seoul is to increase the ridership of the subway system by constructing the public transportation network, the subway system. To accomplish this goal, the city of Seoul has been constructing the Metropolitan Subway System. Currently, seven subway lines which connect major areas in Seoul are operating. However, the ridership of subway system was not increased as much as we expected, even though more subway lines have been implemented. It seems that although the length of the subway line was extended, the current way of the subway operation that trains stop at every station cannot satisfy the passenger's need. Thus, we should try to increase the demand by providing quicker services and diversifying the subway operations; changing the point of view is required. This paper introduces the distinctive features of the express subway system and the model for analysing the effects of that system. This paper also presents the results for the feasibility study of the express subway system on the 5th Subway Line and Kyong-Eue Railway Line. Based on the results of the case studies, We can conclude as : First, the express system reduces a total travel time by about 13%; in particular, the Kyong-Eue Line is more effective than the subway Line #5. Second, the shorter headway of express trains increases the time saving effects on subway system although it requests more waiting time to low-speed train passengers. When the service frequency is' increased from 5 to 7.5 times/hour, total saved time ratio is about 10% in the Subway Line #5 and about 18% in the Kyong-Eue Line.

참고 자료



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A Comparative Study on the Passenger's Time Saving Effects of Urban Express Railway Service
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