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인터넷을 활용한 미술 감상 수업에 관한 연구

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,500원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국조형교육학회 수록지정보 : 조형교육 / 18권
저자명 : 양민영


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 인터넷을 활용한 미술과 감상수업
Ⅲ. 결론

한국어 초록

Ⅰ. Introduction
In the era of information, use of Internet in education becomes a trend. Internet has many advantages, such as enabling users to build database easily and allowing online users to share information without restrictions. Using Internet in art class to view works of art can be a new educational tool, in addition to the conventional viewing methods of photographs and slide films. In order to take such advantage, I intend to use Internet to teach students before taking them to art exhibition. Afterward, the students will be required to write reports and post them on the school homepage to share the experiences with others.
Ⅱ. Art class through Internet
1 Chapter: Ali in the Multimedia Age
2. Class plans
1) Understanding Contemporary Media Art through Internet
(For high school freshmen, assuming that they are capable of using Internet)
Students are to view works of ali, which use TVs, videos and computers - the new medium of art in modern society. Through this class, students will be able to understand the creativity of modern art, which uses various mediums' to expand its horizon.
2) Viewing Nam-June Paik's Exhibition and Displaying Reports Students will explore Nam-June Paik's world of art though visiting gallery with the knowledge on multi media art acquired from Internet. Students will be required to display their reports on the art bulletin board in the school homepage.
3) Viewing students' reports and Having Discussions through Internet The art bulletin board in the Ku-jung high school homepage (www.ilovwkujung.com) will be available to students so that they can view other students' reports, share thoughts with each other, and discuss thci: opinions about Internet use.
Ⅲ. Conclusion
Students showed positive reactions toward use of Internet in class, as the/ were curious about new media. Moreover, it was possible to find out information about exhibitions before going to the galleries ; to relate the information to actual gallery visits; and to actively share opinions between students and teachers. Although there are disadvantages of using Internet as an educational tool in the class such as furnishing classrooms with various equipments to accommodate uses of Internet, Internet has become a useful tool for art education. If it was accepted as a complementary resource in an class with the careful planning of the an instructor, Internet could have innumerable uses and show positive results persistently.

영어 초록

Ⅰ. Introduction In the era of information, use of Internet in education becomes a trend. Internet has many advantages, such as enabling users to build database easily and allowing online users to share information without restrictions. Using Internet in art class to view works of art can be a new educational tool, in addition to the conventional viewing methods of photographs and slide films. In order to take such advantage, I intend to use Internet to teach students before taking them to art exhibition. Afterward, the students will be required to write reports and post them on the school homepage to share the experiences with others. Ⅱ. Art class through Internet 1 Chapter: Ali in the Multimedia Age 2. Class plans 1) Understanding Contemporary Media Art through Internet (For high school freshmen, assuming that they are capable of using Internet) Students are to view works of ali, which use TVs, videos and computers - the new medium of art in modern society. Through this class, students will be able to understand the creativity of modern art, which uses various mediums' to expand its horizon. 2) Viewing Nam-June Paik's Exhibition and Displaying Reports Students will explore Nam-June Paik's world of art though visiting gallery with the knowledge on multi media art acquired from Internet. Students will be required to display their reports on the art bulletin board in the school homepage. 3) Viewing students' reports and Having Discussions through Internet The art bulletin board in the Ku-jung high school homepage (www.ilovwkujung.com) will be available to students so that they can view other students' reports, share thoughts with each other, and discuss thci: opinions about Internet use. Ⅲ. Conclusion Students showed positive reactions toward use of Internet in class, as the/ were curious about new media. Moreover, it was possible to find out information about exhibitions before going to the galleries ; to relate the information to actual gallery visits; and to actively share opinions between students and teachers. Although there are disadvantages of using Internet as an educational tool in the class such as furnishing classrooms with various equipments to accommodate uses of Internet, Internet has become a useful tool for art education. If it was accepted as a complementary resource in an class with the careful planning of the an instructor, Internet could have innumerable uses and show positive results persistently.

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