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독일 민족주의와 나치즘

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41페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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발행기관 : 동국사학회 수록지정보 : 동국사학 / 41권
저자명 : 黃正植


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 독일 민족주의의 성립과 발전
Ⅲ. 나치즘의 뿌리
Ⅳ. 맺음말

영어 초록

In the period of the Reformation, Martin Luther became the hero of the German nation in its fight against the oppression of Rome. His attack on papal power ran through Germany like wind-driven fire. The late fifteenth century also saw something recognizable as pan-Germanism, the desire to see all German-speaking lands in a spiritual and intellectual union, even though their political unity had been shattered.
After the Napoleonic wars, the events of French period forced many to think about the basic question of what Germany was, because the traditional political framework of the German nation, the Holy Roman Empire disappeared and Germany came under foreign control. This period also saw the emergence in German society of groups whose solution to problems centered on the achievement of some form of national unity.
German nationalists who devoted themselves to the Romantic Movement worked for the restoration of a lost Golden Age of pre-revolutionary Germany while others dreamed of creating a completely new kind of society and state. They were susceptible to irrationality and metaphysics and glorified an idealized German past of wise and powerful Emperor, fatherly princes and happy peasants and townsmen.
In surveying of the German nationalism some persons like Herder, Fichte, ]ahn, and Arndt. are essential. As the Father of modern German nationalism, Herder described history as a story of progress and improvement achieved by struggle and not by Reason. He stressed that nations had existed before the state and were an organic part of this diversity, each being endowed with a unique character, the national spirit(Volksgeist). The most important symbols of this distinctiveness were language and the culture of those who spoke it. Fichte extended Herder's ideas on language, arguing that the moral standing of a nation is damaged if it allowed its language to be contaminated by foreign words or if it abandons its owen language and adopts someone else's. He said that German is original pure language of mankind, the Ursprache, while other languages were borrowed or mongrelized and rherefore inferior.
And we must look for the two books, Germania and Nibelungenlied, which contributed to the development of German nationalism.
Many trends converged to created National Socialism. Most of them were negative in nature: anti-Liberalism, anti-rationalism, anti-Marxism, anti-parliamen-tarianism, anti-clericalism, and anti-semitism. Some were affirmative : an intense nationalism, a cult of the Nordic, a romantic longing for an age both simple and heroic, and above all, pseudo-biological explanation of the universe derived from Social Darwinism.

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