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제7차 초등학교 체육교육과정 목표 및 내용분석 : 3,4학년을 중심으로

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16페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국초등체육학회 수록지정보 : 한국초등체육학회지 / 6권 / 2호
저자명 : 김수균, 임동근


Ⅳ.제7차 초등학교 체육교육과정 분석
Ⅴ.결론 및 제언

한국어 초록

영어 초록

The purpose of this study were to analyze the objectives and contents of the seventh curriculum of physical education in the elementary school to help understand the currirulum to present the course of elementary school physical education to the elementary school teachers, and to detect problems to be a help to the next curricular recision. In analyzing objectives, the subject objectivef games, expressions physical exercises and health.
In analyzing by the classification by Barrow the most objectives are stated in the unit of expression, and no objective in the unit of health. This seems to be the result of mainly stating objectives on the above three motor functions. As seen in the analysis by the classification standard by the above three. the problem is that objectives in the unit of health were scacelytated.
Third in analyzing appeared among 22 ones. It is expected that more conceptual elements will appear if 5th and 6th years are also analyzed. The individual developments among key concepts appeared most frequently and it seems because the subject objectives of physical education were reflected which meet the need of individual activity through various activities and stress social environmental runction.
The seventh curriculum of physical education is the 'partial revision' of the sixth one, with enough reflection standard of objective classification by Bloom. Bucher, and Barrow and the unit objectives were analyzed by the purpose and process-centered framework(PPCF) and the standard of objective alcssification by Bloom, Bucher and Barrow. The contents were analyzed on the basis of the purpose and process-centered framework and the result is as follows:
First, though the system of the seventh curriculum is similar to that of the sixth one, the seventh one presents one curriculum for elemenraty and junior and senior high school by regarding the national common basic curriculum as one system. divides the 'method' section into the standard of deliberation and development of textbooks. and mewly presents the standard of deliberation and development of textbooks playing an important part in practicing the curriculum. The contents are composed of the objective concepts of attitude, function, and knowledge.
Second the result of analysis by the standard of objective classificaion by bloom, Buncher, and Barrow is ①In analyzing the subject objectives the objectives according to the classification by Bloom, are evenly distributed and stated the cognitive domain as 2. psychomotor domain as 3, and affective domain as 2, and physical development as 1 motor development as 3 intellectual development as 2 social development as 3 according to the one by Bucher. ②Unit objective analysis: 가. In analyzing by the classification by Bloom, the most words are stated in the unit of game,and the least sords in the unit of health. There are remarkably many objectives stresing creativity and cooperation importantly needed in the creation of new school culture. 나. In analyzing by the classification by Barrow. the most objectives are stated in the unit of expression and no objective in the unit of health . This seems to to the result of mainly stating objectices on the above three motor functions. As seen in the analysis by the classification standard by the above three, the problem is that objectives in the unit objectives of 3rd and 4th grade by PPCF. 15 conceptrual elementary appeared among 22ones, It is expected that more conceptual elements will appear if 5th and 6th years are also analyzed . The individual developments among key concepts appeared most frequently . and it seems beacause the subject objectives of physical education were reflected which meet the need of individual activity through various activities and stress social environmental function.
The seventh curriculum of physical education is the ' partial revision' of the sixth one, with enough reflection of students values so that physical education may contrivute to improvement of the 'quality of life' The objectives are stated as concrete activity objectives accessible to teachers and students and for them to understand easily.And by actual orders rather than logical ones the contents were rationalized in order to select sontents flexibly and fix the least contents needed for one year with considering difficulties of functional acquisition.

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