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BI 뮤지엄 스토리텔링 방법론 : SKT 뮤지엄 스토리텔링 제작사례를 중심으로

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
18페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,700원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 디지털스토리텔링학회 수록지정보 : 디지털스토리텔링연구 / 1권 / 1호
저자명 : 영수, 김영주, 신새미


1. 서론
2. 뮤지엄 스토리텔링의 개념과 유형
3. BI 뮤지엄 스토리텔링 제작 사례
4. 결론

한국어 초록

With the emergence of new digital paradigm, the storytelling of museum display is under remarkable change. Now museums attempt to serve as complex cultural institutions which exhibit information, interest, and experience in order to effectively and intimately approach to visitors who are familiar with digital space. 'a corporation museum' is one of the most representative new museums in this era of museum's boundaries being broken and expanded.

A corporation museum is a mean that a business corporation approaches to the consuming public in the domain of education and culture. A corporation museum can serve as the space of experience marketing which naturally advertises the vision and BI (brand identity) of a corporation. A corporation museum can exceed simple product display as commercial advertisement in that its original storytelling enables the visitors to accept the message that the corporations wants to deliver in a more comfortable way without the feeling of revolt.

Therefore the museum storytelling of corporation exhibition is distinguished from traditional museums in its intention of brand differentiation, contents, and commecial objects. It requires the combination of narrative and BI storytelling, in addition to interactive storytelling which is beyond the straightforward and instructive narrative structure of tradotional museums.

For the investigation of corporation museum, we will first define the concept of museum storytelling and then analyze its patterns into the category of exhibition contents, exhibition media, and exhibition narratives. For the second, we'll find the most compatible form of a corporation museum among these categories and then suggest the new BI museum storytelling that combines the previously stated form with BI storytelling.

For the last, we'll show the case of SKTelecom museum project as the example of using BI storytelling and interactive storytelling in order to study how museum storytelling combined with BI storytelling is actually applicable. SKTelecom museum will be designed to exhibit the "turn towards human" brand image of SKT, and then will become the space for general public and buyers to enjoy and share experiences more than just looking and touching the future-oriented communication technology of SKT.

영어 초록

With the emergence of new digital paradigm, the storytelling of museum display is under remarkable change. Now museums attempt to serve as complex cultural institutions which exhibit information, interest, and experience in order to effectively and intimately approach to visitors who are familiar with digital space. 'a corporation museum' is one of the most representative new museums in this era of museum's boundaries being broken and expanded.A corporation museum is a mean that a business corporation approaches to the consuming public in the domain of education and culture. A corporation museum can serve as the space of experience marketing which naturally advertises the vision and BI (brand identity) of a corporation. A corporation museum can exceed simple product display as commercial advertisement in that its original storytelling enables the visitors to accept the message that the corporations wants to deliver in a more comfortable way without the feeling of revolt.Therefore the museum storytelling of corporation exhibition is distinguished from traditional museums in its intention of brand differentiation, contents, and commecial objects. It requires the combination of narrative and BI storytelling, in addition to interactive storytelling which is beyond the straightforward and instructive narrative structure of tradotional museums.For the investigation of corporation museum, we will first define the concept of museum storytelling and then analyze its patterns into the category of exhibition contents, exhibition media, and exhibition narratives. For the second, we'll find the most compatible form of a corporation museum among these categories and then suggest the new BI museum storytelling that combines the previously stated form with BI storytelling. For the last, we'll show the case of SKTelecom museum project as the example of using BI storytelling and interactive storytelling in order to study how museum storytelling combined with BI storytelling is actually applicable. SKTelecom museum will be designed to exhibit the "turn towards human" brand image of SKT, and then will become the space for general public and buyers to enjoy and share experiences more than just looking and touching the future-oriented communication technology of SKT.

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BI 뮤지엄 스토리텔링 방법론 : SKT 뮤지엄 스토리텔링 제작사례를 중심으로
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