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어린이 박물관과 교육프로그램

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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발행기관 : 한국박물관학회 수록지정보 : 박물관학보
저자명 : 백령


Ⅰ. 들어가면서
Ⅱ. 어린이박물관의 전시와 교육
Ⅲ. 국내외 어린이박물관의 사례
Ⅳ. 어린이 박물관 전시과 교육프로그램 개발을 위한 제안
Ⅴ. 마치며

한국어 초록

박물관1)은수장품의 종류, 설립, 운영 주체 등에 의해 다OJ=하게 구분되는데 이중 “어린이 박물
관”만이 대상중심으로구분한것이라 할수 있다. 그효시가 1899년 뉴욕의 브루클린 어린이 빅L물
관 (Brooklyn Children'’ s Museurn)은 새로운 개념과 유형의 tlL물관의 장을 연 것으로 평가되는
미국식 박물관으로 현재 미국 대도시에 3007B 의 어린이 박물관이 운영되고 있다. 이들 박물관은
어린이들이 관심을 가질 수 있는 소장품과 전시물을 중심으로 다양한 전시과 교육을 포함한 활동
을 기획 진행하고 있다. 어린이 박물관은 참여자 중심의 박물관으로 관람, 감상의 학술적이고 정
적인 활동에서 벗어나 전시물과 함께 움직이고 활동하는 자유롭고 활기찬 전시실에서 활발하게
뛰노는 어린이들의 공간이다. 이제는 참여자에게 제공되는 체험과 활동으로 박물관을 운영하는
시대가 된 것이다. 국내에서도 1995년 개관한 삼성문화재단의 삼성어린이박물관이 있으며 국립
민속박물관의 부속 어린이 박물관과 국립청주박물관 부속어린이 박물관의 개관에 이어 경기도박
물관과 국립중앙박물관 역시 어린이박물관의 개관을 준비하고 있다.
박물관의 총 관람객의 반 이상을 차지하는 어린이를 위한 박물관인 어린이 박물관의 간략한 변
천과정과 전시 , 교육 활동에 대해 장리 하고자 한다.

영어 초록

Museums can be categorized based on various elements of institution such as collection,
management. Children’ s museum has been established based on needs and interests of c비ldren,
the visitors. Since the opening of Brooklyn Children’ s Museum in 1899, new era of museum
began, now about 300 children' s museums are open to young children and their farnilies in
United States. These children' s museums provide not only display of valuable object, exhibition
but also programs that visitors can participate to learn and enjoy. The place become art gallery,
science laboratories, historic sites and foremost space to play with each other, to experience
through senses, to engage in many activities for fun. This paper will exarnine history, theories and
practices in various children s museums to identify the challenge of newly opened Korean
children' s museums.
Boston Museum made a revolutional progress in Children' s museum when the director Spoke
throw out the glass cases and reorganized the exhibition program to create environment for
children to learn. Since then every institution tries different attempt to make it better for the young
visitors. Children' s museums are defmed in following four ways : 1. Education justifies every
object, activity, and events. There is a purpose behind each display, a story to tell with each
exhibit, an idea to unfold in each gallery, 2. Bright, vivid colour and dramatic lighting effects are
used to capture attention. Labels are written in easily understood, contemporary language. 3.
Exhibitions are placed carefully to afford even the youngest a good look, and materials are
presented in idenfiable sequence. Whenever possible, exhibits are 'hands-on" or participatory in nature. 4. No matter hoe sophisticated the exhibit, human contact remains the most important
source of leaming.
The most famous theories and practices done in many children' s museum are hands -on,
interactive education, education through play, museum theater, and multiple intelligence. In order
to design programs including exhibition and education, it is necessary to have thorough
examination and analysis on various children' s museums in the world. Eureka! The Museum for
children, Manhattan Children’ s Museum, Children' s Museum of the Arts, Please touch Museum,
and Children’ s Museum of the Native American are introduced and briefly analysed as well as
newly opened children’ s museum in various Korean public museurns. In Korea, about 65% of
visitors are young elementary school children, and the demands for these visitors are getting
The paper suggests following for future studies and application in museum.
1. Children’ s museum should be found on philosophy and theories reflected on museum. It is
extremely risk to replicate other institutions program without examination based on its own
environment and population. 2. Create exhibition that can communicate with expected visitors if
not make the communication possible adopting 19 various means. 3. Make exhibition itself become
education. The participation of exhibition is education experience. 4. Self -guide, self -directed
exhibition book or worksheet is necessary. 5. Create the program that whole family can
participate. Try to understand the visitors. Children come to museum with family. 6. Be prepare
various programs such as rental education kit, before -visit, after - visit programs for school.
It is necessary to have various educational theories and application to build sound children' s
museum program. More than anything - else children' s museum should be based on
understanding of its audience, young visitors and their families - their wants, needs, interests and
more, since it is leaming community for children the future generation.

참고 자료


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