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이라크 전쟁이 미국의 정치경제사회에 미친 영향분석

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Purpose of research

2. Outline of research

3. USA economic structure that has a high level of dependence on natural

4. Relationship between the USA and the Middle East before the war in Iraq
1) Saddam Hussein
2) Change in the USA s policy in the Middle East

5. The relationship between the attacks of September 11th and Iraq war,

6. Correlation between the world economy and the U.S. economy caused by the war in Iraq

7. Changes in economic and political status in the United States due to the war.

8. Conclusion

9. Sources and reference


1. purpose of research Look at the political, economic and social changes in the United States due to the war in Iraq, further to analyze the correlation between terrorism and the war. Finally, notice that USA is also one of the countries that pursue national profit as their priority, which is their fundamental motivation.

2. Outline of research We point out that the USA started to the war in Iraq because of an economic motivation. Furthermore, to find their political intend. For this, let’s drill down to ‘Saddam Hussein’ who is the president of Iraq. Also, we should cover the changes of politics in Middle Eastern countries according to the situation. After this, we focus on the different political and economic situations of the USA. Therefore, the theme of the report is “War for the national profit”

참고 자료

The US economic change after September 11 terrorist attacks (SERI)
The US economic impacts by the Iraq war in the second half of the 2003(SERI)
A new international order surrounding procurement of energy (SERI)
The scenario of the Iraq war and the ripple effect (SERI)
The National Assembly Library electronic book reading room
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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