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Various Diodes and its Properties

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


연세대학교 전기전자기초실험 예비 래포트입니다. 누구한테 준 적 없는 자료이구요 ~ A0 받았습니다 ~~


①What is bias?
②Why do we use bias when it comes to circuit.
③Explain why junction diode allows current when forward bias, and does not when reverse bias.
④With approximation 3, estimate equivalent circuit of junction diode in fig 4-3.
⑤Why resistance is necessary in the equivalent circuit of diode?
⑥Compared with junction diode, whats the primary difference of zener diode?
⑦Describe the mechanism of rectification properties of zener diode
⑧Describe the behavior of parallel voltage regulator using zener diode.
⑨Which bias is used for zener diode? Forward bias, or reverse bias?
⑩Explain the mechanism of luminescence of LED and its type.
⑪Compare the mean value of half-wave rectification circuit and that of full-wave rectification circuit..
⑫Get V(rms), amplitude of voltage source, and reverse peak voltage of full-wave rectification circuit using center tap.
⑬Compare reverse peak voltage of full-wave rectification circuit using center tap and that of full-wave rectification circuit with bridge diode.


①What is bias?
-Biasing in electronics is the method of establishing predetermined voltages and/or currents at various points of a circuit to set an appropriate operating point.
*Current bias, a steady-state current that is forced through an electronic device
*Voltage bias, a steady-state voltage inserted in series with an element of an electronic device.
*Grid bias of a vacuum tube is used to control the electron flow from the heated cathode to the positively charged anode.
*Tape bias (also AC bias) is a high-frequency signal (generally from 40 to 150 kHz) added to the audio signal corded on an analog tape recorder.

②Why do we use bias when it comes to circuit.
-Every element of system circuit is worked normally in order that a signal is output correctly when some signals are input. A voltage or current are exited above some value in order that they can be worked normally. The signal has very small value of voltage or current. So unless they were transmitted enough voltage or current, the element can not be worked. Therefore we should use bias to make current which flows at the diode. And if we would use bias, we could use a diode as a conductor or insulator.

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Various Diodes and its Properties
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