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English Teaching chapter 3 summary

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3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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Chapter 3 is to address some of those acquisition and to set forth explicitly some of the parameters for looking at the efforts of age and language acquisition.
There is constant controversy concerning the theory. As cognitive and constructive research on both first and second language acquisition gathered momentum, second language researchers and foreign language teachers began to recognize the mistakes in drawing direct global analogies between first and second language acquisition.
First we have to think about the differences between children and adults, and then we bring about better relationships between them. This involves trying to draw analogies not only between first and second language learning situations but also between children and adults. Figure 3.1 represent four possible categories consider. defined by age and type of acquisition. Therefore, we can compare between C1-C2, C2-A2, and C1-A2.

<중 략>

Q: How the nativist approach differs from the behavior approach?

A: There are some differences between nativist and behavior approaches. The most important thing is that their method is completely different. Usually behavioristic approach’s basic idea is tabula rasa. It means that when people was born, a clean state without preconceived notions about the world. And There are two main ideas which are classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning is involuntary situation and operant conditioning is voluntary situation. Classical conditioning is that respondents are automatic responses to stimuli. Operant conditioning is that behaviors are not elicited by stimuli, they are emitted or voluntarily enacted.

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