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경도 실험 결과 보고서

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3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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1. Vickers Hardness Tester
2. Method of Testing
3. Data Analysis
4. Conclusion & Consideration
5. Reference


1. Vickers Hardness Tester

In Brinell hardness tester, as the diameter of the steel ball decreases, the Brinell hardness number(BHN) increases while maintaining the same load and increasing the load while maintaining the same size of the steel ball, BHN increases. Thus, depending on the diameter of steel ball and the material, which satisfies the following ratio, (d=diameter of pressure mark, D=diameter of steel ball), (P=Load, K=proportional constant, D=diameter of steel ball) is used to choose the value of P and D for testing.
For improving the upper things in Vickers Hardness test, determining the angle of diamond pyramid in 136°, which matches with , the Vickers number can maintain in certain constant for dividing the load value to the area of pressure mark.

<중 략>

4. Conclusion & Consideration

The above chart is the result of the Vickers Hardness Test. As you can see error factors are shown in huge numbers. The followings are the reasons why the error happened in the test.
The specimen using in the test should be polished well enough so that nothing can affect to the Vickers number. Also, its surface should be clean from oil, metallic oxides, other materials etc. In other words, the cleaner the specimen, the more accurate HV can be gotten. However, the specimen we used was not polished enough and had some small cracks on it. That is why the result is not accurate as much as the real one.

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