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시나리오적 사고: 경영의사결정 적용가능성

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11페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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본 보고서는 시나리오적 전략수립이 실제 경영 혹은 경영 의사결정에 적용가능한가에 대한 구체적인 분석이 진행되고 있습니다. 현재와 같이 변화가 빠르고 시기에 시나리오 경영은 유용한가 여부가 논의 되고 있습니다.


I. Introduction ____________________________________________________ 3
1. Summary of Task __________________________________________________3
2. Structure of this writing _____________________________________________6
II. Study on the Scenario Thinking _____________________________________7
1. Why do we have to use the scenario as the management strategy? ____________7
2. Benefits from the Scenario Planning _________________________________7
3. Requisites for Success of the Scenario Planning _________________________8
4. Successful Cases of the Scenario Planning _____________________________8
III. Recommendation ______________________________________________10
1. Applicability of the Scenario Planning ________________________________10
2. How to Increase the Efficiency of the Scenario Planning __________________10


I. Introduction
1. Decision Making and Management Strategy
1.1. Decision Making
A. Definition
Decision making is the process of select something among several things to make better position or good situation. Wikipedia‟ definition is as follows: “decision making can be regarded as the mental processes , cognitive process, resulting in the selection of a course of action among several alternative scenarios. Every decision making process produces a final choice. The output can be an action or an opinion of choice.” The point in the definition of decision making is to choose or select something to have better results.
B. Difficulties of Decision Making
There are four items that make people hard to choose something. One is the complexity of the problem or issue structure; decision makers are not able to find what exactly problem is due to that. Secondly, what we focus on is the uncertainty. This is based on the common sense; namely, it is hard to make uncertaintties to the measurable ways. Third, what we focus on is the diverse criteria of choice. Actually, having one standard is not easy to compare with solutions getting better way. Lastly, there is the different value of appraiser. As far as this is concerned, people have their own point of view about things that are business and non business. Due to the gap of people‟s standard, it is hard to make decision as a whole.
C. Essences of Decision Making
Firstly, the essence is to recognize what issue or problem is and to analyze it. Knowing issue is the same as having knowledge on gap between current situation and desirable situation. In addition to this, both internal and external information are needed to know the present status very well. Secondly, what we should consider is the objectives: long-range and short-range objectives. Generally speaking, the latter is the item for the organization strategy. On the other hand, the former is the item for ordinary work. As a matter of fact, the target is the result that we want to get in the long run in the organization. Thirdly, the decision making is the activity to get or find solution, which means drawing alternatives. Actually, the alternatives should have four features: innovative, unique obvious, and standard. As the next step, the evaluation of those need to achieve for the things that organizations want to get; namely, assessment is the activity to select the optimal or best solution to have our goal. Lastly, to choose or select solution among alternatives selected is the final step. In this level, public or private sector organizations must use all information that they can have and analyze in detail.

참고 자료

1. „Dialog‟(Internet Website). Quantum2 Highlights Archives(Topics of the Month): „The Importance
and Benefits of Scenario Planning‟, 2008, (On-Line), http://quantum.dialog.com/newsletter/topic/2008
may. Feb 27, 2012.(Visited)
2. Koo Bon Jun, 2008. Dong-A Business Review(Internet Website): „Advantages from the Scenario
Planning‟ , (On-line), http://www.dongabiz.com/, Feb 27, 2012.
3. Maeil Business Newspaper: „The Economy‟, the South Korean Economic Journal, Dec 2006.
The Cover Story: The Scenario Management
4. Young ro Kim, 1997. The Principles of management: Published by Parkyoungsa
5. George Wirght & George Cairns, 2011. ‟ Scenario Thinking‟, Palgrave Macmillan
6.„Mr.Dashboard‟(Internet Website). „GE Matrik‟,2012,(On-Line), http://www.mrdashboard.com/GE_Mat
-ix.html. Feb 26, 2012. (Visited)
7. „Maxi-Pedia‟(Internet Website). „BCG Matrik Model‟, 2012, (On-Line), http://www.maxi-pedia.com/
BCG+matrik+model. Feb 26, 2012. (Visited)
8. „Reference for Business‟(Internet Website). „PROFIT IMPACT OF MARKET STRATEGIES (PIMS)‟
, 2012. (On-line), http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/small/Op-Qu/Profit-Impact-of-Market-Strategies-PIMS.html. Mar 01, 2012. (Visited)
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