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build a bear case

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 19,900원 할인쿠폰받기


Principle of marketing chapter 1

Build a bear case study


Q1. Compare and contrast customer needs, wants, and demands. Describe the need versus the want for the following products: Gatorade, Nike shoes, and iPod.

. Q2. What are the five different marketing management orientations? Which orientation do you believe your school follows when marketing itself?

Q3. Read Build-A-Bear case on page58-59 of Kotler and Amstrong and answer all the five discussion questions at the end of the case.

Q3-1) Give examples of needs, wants, and demeands that B-A-Bear customers demonstrate, differentiating each of these three concepts. What are the implications of each on B-A-bear`s action?

Q3-2)In detail, decribe all facets of B-A-bear `s product. What is being exchanged in a B-A-bear transaction?

Q3-3)Which of the five marketing management concepts best describes B-A-bear workshop?

Q3-4)Discuss in detail the value that B-A-bear creates for its customers.

Q3-5)Is B-A-bear likely to be successful in continuing to build customer relationships? Why or why not?


Q2. What are the five different marketing management orientations? Which orientation do you believe your school follows when marketing itself?

A) There are five different maketing management orientations, the production concept, the product concept, the selling concept, the marketing concept and the social marketing concept.
The production concept is a conception of accessibility. In this theory, people prefer to buy product that is the most easy to find.
The product concept is the conception of capacity. In this theory, people prefer to buy product that offers the most quality.
The selling concept is about massive sale. It means if company didn`t mass produce, they wouldn`t approach their goal.
The marketing concept means company have to find out customers wants and then make the product.
The social marketing concept emphasize that company have to think about not only consumer but also society`s well being when they make product.

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