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Cell phone is bad in a car!.

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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차에서 휴대폰을 쓰면 안 된다는 내용을 담은 에세이입니다.




With the development of technology, we have lots of advantages in our life. As you know, it brought uncountable items to us. However, it has side effects to use developed products. Using cell phones in cars is one of the examples. It is obvious that cellular phones give us convenience. But cell phones in cars can be very dangerous.
A driver who receives a call can miss the sudden situation. When we use a cell phone while driving, as you know, we can not concentrate on driving as usual. According to the survey result, when they use cell phones while driving, 46 percent of the 837 drivers entered into another lane. 23 percent tailgated. 18 percent almost hit another car and 10 percent ran a red light. (Robinson, A dangerous combination, http://newshound.de.sui.edu/ spring03/stories/storyReader$1976.) The more they drive talking on the phone, the more it will be dangerous.
Speaking while driving exerts a higher mental workload than driving alone. In the Effects of Hands-free Telephone Use on Driving (Fairclough), when we use a cell phone while driving, time taken to complete the route is around 10 percent longer. Besides, our heart rate while talking on the phone in cars is much higher than without using a cell phone. This study indicates that it is dangerous for drivers to use cell phones in cars.

참고 자료

-Daugherty, Dennis. Cell phone Usage and Attention. http://www.njsafety.org/html/cellreport. pdf. Oct. 16th, 2004
-Robinson, Samantha. A dangerous Combination. http://newshound.de.siu.edu/ spring03/ stories/storyReader$1976. Oct. 16th, 2004.
-Faller, Ron. Cell phones at the Pump--Dangerous. http://1216.org/aricle _cell_phones.html. Oct. 16th, 2004.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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