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Philip Freneau의 2가지 관점과 Bryant의 낭만주의 시의 특성

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최종 저작일
1페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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Philip Freneau의 2가지 관점과 브라이언트의 낭만주의 시의 특성에 관한 글이고
영문으로 작성했습니다^^


1. Philip Freneau의 2가지 관점

2. 브라이언트의 낭만주의 시의 특성


1. Philip Freneau의 2가지 관점
Philip Freneau was political journalist and revolutionary and democratic poet. He transit from the neoclassical to the romantic writing in American literature. Sometimes he wrote neoclassocal poem and sometimes he wrote romantic poem.
The neoclassical is effected by the enlightment. The enlightment `s phenomenon is deism. Freneau adopted deism. Deists believe the God but they think the God isn`t personal. Impersonal. And they think the God is the prime mover or the clock winder and manifest himself only through natural laws. And Freneau though the God is just originating and ordering principal of the universe. And he though the God of nature is not malicious but harmonious, good, benevolent. The idea of deism like this is most cleary take easy in his poem.
In the 19th century the romanticism was dominant in the America and Europe. The romanticism replaced the neoclassical emphasis on reason with romantic emphasis on fancy, emotion, imagination and individuality. Freneau was effected by the romanticism. In his poem The Indian Burying Grounds last stanza`s last line, he says that a reason`s self knee to imagenation. In this poem we know that Philip Freneau let imagination, fancy dominate. And He likes remoteness, strangeness, mutability and transience.

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Philip Freneau의 2가지 관점과 Bryant의 낭만주의 시의 특성
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