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The Tempest 의 비극적요소 -에쎄이

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최종 저작일
3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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The Tragic Elements in `The Tempest`


`The Tempest` 간략 설명

-희극속 비극적 요소

-증거 및 인용구

-인용구 부분 설명



The Tragic Elements in `The Tempest`

`The Tempest` is a play by William Shakespeare, probably written in 1610~1611. Its protagonist is the banished sorcerer Prospero, honorable Duke of Milan, who uses his magical powers to punish and forgive his enemies when he makes a tempest that takes them ashore. The entire play takes place on an island under his control.
`The Tempest` is usually classed as a Comedy. It has an happy ending. In the end, all characters are forgiven and reconciled with each other. Prospero`s dukedom is restored, Nobody dies, and Miranda gets married to Ferdinand happily. that is, it ends in a marriage which is, of course, usually seen as the definition of comedy. But while I was reading this work, I found myself overwhelmed deeply by the tragic elements in the end.
First, when `The Tempest` is compared to `A Midsummer Night`s Dream` the work which I`ve learned for last three weeks, both works have some similarities such as scenes of fairy and magic, mysterious and illusionary plot, close composition between human world and natural world, and many others. But `The tempest` also has a point of difference. Not like other comedy works, it has some tragic elements like intrigue, conspiracy, rebellion in story. These elements are usually seen in tragedy. While I was reading this book, I found some parts of tragic elements in the story. One of parts is this :

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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The Tempest 의 비극적요소 -에쎄이
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