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Industrial Censoring and Government Regulating

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


정부의 산업규제에 관한 내용을 간단히 에세이로 써보았습니다. 첫번째 단락에 밑줄 그어진 문장은 주제문(thesis statement)입니다. 5장짜리 페이퍼이고 6장째에는 자료출처(reference)가 있습니다. 미국에서 오랜기간 유학중이므로 문법이나 단어선택등은 자신합니다.




Governments all around the world want control of the main industries of society, so where is the future headed considering the high amount of regulating and censoring that is currently being enforced? In order for today’s governments to stay in power they must regulate those industries by making laws. By making the laws, the power transfers from huge industries to strong governments. With the increase in technology, government censoring has also increased, maintaining safety. How do governments know what appropriate censoring is? Countries that have had strong governments (whether it is socialism, communism, or a democracy) had histories of intense industrial regulation and censoring. The concern is that governments end up having too much control. Governments influence how much money is made in industries. Money equals power, so are governments using regulations to their own benefit to produce a profit by asserting control over industries? Another concern is that government regulations and censorships are targeting industries that don’t present problems, while many problematic industries

참고 자료

* Merriam – Webster “Dictionary of Law”
Copyright 1996 by Merriam –Webster, Inc All Rights Reserved

* Kuczynski, J. and Witt, M.
“The Economics of Barbarism – Hitler’s New Economic Order in Europe”
International Publishers, 1942

* Rueda, Jorge “Venezuela President Resigns in Tumult – asks for exile in Cuba”.
FreeRepublic.com. 12. Apr. 2002 <http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/664686/posts>

* Ryall, Julian “Japan broadcast group expels Kansai”. Hollywoodreporter.com.
28.March 2007 <http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/content_display/television/news/e3i237c64d2e1bb4cd6b55f31be434e5ca5>

* Multiple Credited Sources On Site (No Author) “Drunk Driving Is No Accident”.
Alcoholalert.com <http://www.alcoholalert.com/drunk-driving-statistics.html>
(No Author) “I’ve Heard About Ignition Interlock Devices. What Are They?”.
Total DUI Attorneys Nationwide . <http://www.totaldui.com/ignition_interlocks.htm>
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Industrial Censoring and Government Regulating
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