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Islam secularism

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최종 저작일
11페이지/워드파일 MS워드
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대학교 이슬람에 관한 영문 대학교 자료 입니다. 이 자료는 지금 영어권에서 대학을 다니고 있거나 어학연수 또는 영문으로 리포터를 제출을 필요로 하는 사람들에게 유용한 자료가 될 것 입니다.


2 Islamic Fundamentalism
4.Isam fundamentalism states and groups
5. Extreme resistance of Islam fundamentalism
6. Islam fundamentalism. The real or not?


1. Introduction
When we listen to the words such as turban, chador, Jihad, what do we think? Don’t you think of Arabian with sword and the Koran, Osama bin Laden, 9/11 terrorism? Muslims are often recognized as very violent, anti-civilization and a blind-faith religion. Islam like that is considered a religion of the sword, but we are misunderstanding Islam through bad stereotype made by relatively few militants. What fundamental Islam aims for is peace and equality, as the meaning of Islam is originally from “salaam” which means peace. Even though Islam aims are peace and love, Islam now has become a symbol of violence and terror. As random extreme terror and violence increase, people are concern about their safety and life. Fundamentalist Islam is being referred as behind terror group in terrorism and International alliance which is against terrorism is getting to gain authority. What is the reality of Islam? Is Islamic fundamentalism a reality or a false image? What is their background about Islam? What is the reason that they use violence

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Islam secularism
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