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[인문]William Wordsworth and his beloved, Lucy

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4페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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William Wordsworth의 대표적인 시 시리즈인 The Lucy Poems에서
Strange fits of passion have i known과 she dwelt among the tradden ways를
비교, 분석, 감상을 적절히 쓴 리포트입니다.


About William Wordsworth

1. Strange Fits of Passion Have I Known

2. She dwelt among the untrodden ways


About William Wordsworth
William Wordsworth, a famous poet of the Romantic Period, wore a great deal of poetry that was inspired by his lifestyle. He wrote The Lucy poems as a series of poems. The identity of `Lucy` is a mystery. There are some opinions on the identification of Lucy. But in my opinion, I think Lucy is Wordsworth`s one of his beloveds in his entire life. Though I`m not sure whether they were allowed to love each other or not.

1. Strange Fits of Passion Have I Known
This poem describes the speaker drawing near to his lover, Lucy`s cottage. At first, I thought the title of this poem was strange. Because it is not about passion things as it implies literally, but about emotional things. So it was kind of difficult for me to understand the meanings of the poem. But, on closer looks, I became to have some ideas. The speaker is just happy to be getting closer and closer to her cottage, but at the same time he feels scared and feared that if he is going to lose the happiness, for being too happy. It is kind of irony but also very sensitive and emotional I think. When I appreciate this poem, I feel like being telling a story by the speaker on the day when he was climbing the hill, fixing his eyes on the moon to meet his love, Lucy. I think Strange fits passions in the subject represents that the thought ` If Lucy should be dead!` all of a sudden stroke his mind full of happiness and love for the woman, Lucy.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[인문]William Wordsworth and his beloved, Lucy
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