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대체 단백질과 향후 방향성에 대해_영어 자료

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대체 단백질과 향후 방향성에 대해 영어로 작성한 자료입니다.


Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Main
1. current status
2. alternative food & protein market
3. What kinds of alternative protein are available?
4. perspective of alternative protein and future direction and your thoughts?

Ⅲ. Conclusion

Ⅳ. Referemces


Have you ever eaten insects? I haven't seen it well these days, but when I was young, I could often see fried locusts at a buffet. My cousin, who is five years older than me, always ate fried locusts, and adults recalled memories of catching locusts because they had nothing to eat when they were young. I tried to eat fried locusts a few times because my cousin, who forms a consensus with adults, looked envious and mature for no reason, but I have never eaten it because it looks so gross and I think I will get sick if I eat it. As you all know, locusts are insects. When I heard adults, I thought, 'You ate insects because you really had nothing to eat then.' Eating locusts was just an old story. However, when I recently learned that locusts are in the spotlight for future food, I thought, "Our elders have been to that future without even realizing it."
Why are locusts in the spotlight for future food? Grasshoppers, or edible insects, are rich in protein, feed efficient, and reproduce quickly. According to 2016 data, seven species of edible insects are designated in Korea. Among them, five types of locusts, white river slumber, edible silkworm pupae, brown leech larvae, and pair-by-pair crickets are designated as food ingredients, and Protaetia brevitarsis and beetle larvae are only used as food ingredients by companies that have been temporarily approved.

참고 자료

박미성, 박시현, 이용선. (2020). 대체식품 현황과 대응과제(보고서 번호: 190). n.p.: 한국농촌경제연구원.
안두현, 「육류 대체식품의 발전 및 변화」, 『식품산업과 영양』, 24(2), 한국식품영양과학회, 2019, pp.1-6.
권태은, 김용휘, 「대체 단백질 식품 기술 동향」, 『식품산업과 영향』, 24(2), 한국식품영양과학회, 2019, pp.7-14.
박병우, 「식품업계 코로나이후 먹거리 ‘대체식품’ 개발 경쟁」, 『조세일보』, 2020년 8월 27일, "http://www.joseilbo.com/news/htmls/2020/08/*************4.html"(2021년 3월 27일 접속)
박민수, 「지속가능 먹거리, 대체식품 개발 어디까지 왔나?」, 『뉴스퀘스트』, 2020년 6월 24일, "https://www.newsquest.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=77429"(2021년 3월 27일 접속)
‘식의약포커스’ 식품의약품안전처, 2016.10., "https://www.mfds.go.kr/webzine/201610/02.jsp”(2021.3.27.접속)
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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