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IB Biology IA

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12페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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본 문서는 2019년 May Session에서 IA 6점을 (교내 바이오 선생님과 실제 평가 모두) 받은 Bio Lab Report입니다. 주제는 'The effect of nitrate concentration on the rate of growth of Hygrophila Araguaia'입니다. 데이터 표 작성과 그래프 분석에 대해 배우고자 하는 학생분들에게 도움이 될 것이라 생각합니다.


1. Research Question

2. Aim

3. Introduction

4. Introduction

5. Background information

6. What is to be done in the lab

7. Variables

8. Apparatus

9. Risk management

10. Preliminary experiment

11. Methodology

12. Photography

13. Results

14. One way ANOVA test

15. Conclusion

16. Evaluation
1) Strengths
2) Weaknesses

17. Extensions

18. Appendix

19. Bibliography


Nitrate ions (NO3-) provide aquatic plants with nitrogen, which is used for forming essential elements of proteins in plant cells and stimulating photosynthesis and growth (WRIG, 2019). Nowadays, nitrate level has greatly increased due to decomposition of animal and plants, excessive fertilizer use, and poor waste water treatment. However, excess nutrients such as nitrate and potassium in the water can lead to a rapid growth of algae, known as algae blooms. Algae bloom damages the diversity of aquatic plants and animals by producing toxins and its decomposition depletes oxygen needed for sustainable aquatic ecosystem in bottom water (LG Sonic, 2018). One effective method for algae bloom prevention is to increase the efficiency of aquatic plants that absorb excess nitrates. Hygrophila Araguaia is an example of aquatic plants that take up aqueous nutrients such as potassium ions and nitrate ions in water through the roots by diffusion and active transport.

참고 자료

Ammonium Nitrate.” National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). PubChem Compound Database, U.S. National Library of Medicine,
pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/ ammonium_ nitrate.
“Nitrates and Their Effect on Water Quality – A Quick Study” Wheatley River Improvement Group (WRIG), www.wheatleyriver.ca/media/nitrates-and-their-effect-on-water-quality-a- quick-study/.
“Algal Bloom Causes and Prevention.” LG Sonic, 25 June 2018, www.lgsonic.com/blogs/algal-bloom-causes-prevention/.
Nitrogen (N), www.avocadosource.com/tools/FertCalc_files/info_nitrogen.htm. Armstrong, D., 1998, Better Crops with Plant Food. International Plant Nutrition Institute.
Better Crops. Vol. CII (102) 2018, No. 3.
http://www.ipni.net/publication/bettercrops.nsf/0/6F4AEF767098498B852582E2004AD223 /$FILE/BC-2018-3.pdf
Editor, Minitab Blog. “Regression Analysis: How Do I Interpret R-Squared and Assess the Goodness-of-Fit?” Minitab Blog, Minitab Blog, blog.minitab.com/blog/adventures-in- statistics-2/regression-analysis-how-do-i-interpret-r-squared-and-assess-the-goodness-of- fit.
“CHLOROPHYLL | Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary.” Cambridge Dictionary, dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/chlorophyll.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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