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[화학공학실험2] LAB7 Liquid-Liquid extraction 예비레포트(영문)

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최종 저작일
7페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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* 본 문서(hwp)가 작성된 한글 프로그램 버전보다 낮은 한글 프로그램에서 열람할 경우 문서가 올바르게 표시되지 않을 수 있습니다. 이 경우에는 최신패치가 되어 있는 2010 이상 버전이나 한글뷰어에서 확인해 주시기 바랍니다.


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1. Object
2. Theory
3. Apparatus & Reagent
4. Procedures
5. Reference


1) Extraction is a separation where the solvent dissolves specific substance in the mixture of two or more substances. Chemical reaction and solubility are examples of method of extraction. It is a solid-liquid extraction that solid is extracted, and liquid-liquid extraction is occurred in the liquid.
① Solid-liquid extraction
Solid-liquid extraction is an operation of selectively extracting specific component of a solid by using solvents to solid which is particle or powder state. Operation is often batch process. When sufficiently extracted, it is a typical method of extraction to separate the desired ingredients by filtering solids and liquids or refining the liquids by centrifuging.

참고 자료

Manual_ChemE LAb II (2020) p.56 ~ p.61
Dr.Nagwa El-Mansy, Solid-Liquid Extraction Solid liquid extraction(leaching) ppt. p5
https://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S0104-66322000000400038&script=sci_arttextSigma-Aldrich Co., Benzene. Retrieved on 2014-05-29.
Haynes, William M., ed. (2016). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (97th ed.). CRC Press. pp. 5–88. ISBN 9781498754293.
"Sodium Hydroxide – Compound Summary". Retrieved June 12, 2012.
"Phenolphthalein". Retrieved 7 October 2014.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[화학공학실험2] LAB7 Liquid-Liquid extraction 예비레포트(영문)
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