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이화여자대학교 대학영어 A+ writing(Disposable products)

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이화여자대학교 대학영어 writing3입니다. 점수는 만점 받았습니다.
"Disposable products"에 대한 내용입니다.




Nowadays, many countries easily use and throw away disposable products. Disposable products are used only once and discarded, so they are clean and do not require cleaning. This convenience has caused people to abuse disposable products, resulting in many shortcomings: an economic problem and an environmental, biological problem. Thus, people should not overuse disposable products in their daily lives.

참고 자료

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Eckhardt, Sean. “7 Disposable Items That Are Polluting the Planet.” takepart, 6 Sep 2016. http://www.takepart.com/photos/7-disposable-items-are-polluting-planet.
Hwang, Dae Jin[황대진]. “[Ilhoiyongpum] Hanhae 1300ukwon julgam”, [“[Disposable products] Save 130 billion won a year”, 「[일회용품] 한 해 1300억원 절감」]. Maeilgeungje MBK [Maeil economy MBK, 『매일경제 MBK』], 19 March 2003. https://www.mk.co.kr/news/home/view/2003/03/94135/.
Kwon, O Tack [권오탁]. “[Beboda Keun Bekop ‘goadepojang’eul julija] 2. Ilhoeyong poaangje” [“[Let’s reduce the ‘overpacking’ that navel is bigger than belly] 2. Disposable packing,” 「[배보다 큰 배꼽 ‘과대포장’을 줄이자] 2. 일회용 포장재」]. Gyeonggiilbo [Gyeonggi Daily, 『경기일보』], 10 April 2018. http://www.kyeonggi.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=1463539.
Lee, weon Joon[이원준]. “Pegimule pohamdoen plastic jongryue ttareun sogak si dioxin Balsenge michimeun yeonghyang”, [“Influences of Plastic Types Contained in MSW on the Dioxin Generation during Incineration”, 「폐기물에 포함된 플라스틱 종류에 따른 소각 시 다이옥신 발생에 미치는 영향”」]. Hankuk pegimul jawonsunhwan hakhoeji [“Journal of the Korea Waste Recycling Association”, 『한국 폐기물 자원순환학회지』], Vol. 24, no.1, 2007, pp. 16-17.
Pinson, Jerald. “We Only Use Them for a Minute, But Disposable Plastics Cause a Lifetime of Damage to Animals.” OneGreenPlanet, 2016. https://www.onegreenplanet.org/environment/disposable-plastics-harm-marine-animals/.
Son, Ho Young[손호영]. “Hankukini Seuneun ilhoiyongcup 25,700,000,000Gai… Plasticeun soigeo 1ui” [“25,700,000,000 disposable cups used by Koreans… Plastic is the world’s number one,” 「한국인이 쓰는 일회용컵 25,700,000,000개… 플라스틱은 세계 1위」]. Chosunilbo [Chosun Daily, 『조선일보』], 8 May 2018. http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2018/05/08/2018050800187.html.
Yeom, Ji Hyun[염지현]. “Plastic sseuregi sum senggin jinjja iyu, deudieo balhyeojilkka?”, [“The real reason for the plastic garbage island, will it finally come out?”, 「플라스틱 쓰레기 섬 생긴 진짜 이유, 드디어 밝혀질까?」]. Dong-A Science[“Dong-A Science”, 『동아사이언스』], 2 March 2017. http://dongascience.donga.com/news.php?idx=16749.
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이화여자대학교 대학영어 A+ writing(Disposable products)
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