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Effects of Epigenetic and Transcription Processes on Drug Addiction in Self-Administration

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15페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Abstract
2. Models
3. Method
4. Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusion


Acute and chronic drug exposure are known to cause changes in gene expression in different regions of the brain. These changes in transcription activity is hypothesized to be brought about by a complex interaction of post-translational modifications of the chromatin and DNA, collectively referred to as epigenetic regulation. Understanding the epigenetic and transcriptional mechanisms of addiction is essential in furthering our knowledge of the genetic etiology of addiction-related behaviors. The self-administration animal model, which exhibits high validity for measuring human addiction behavior, has served a crucial role in shedding light on such processes. This literature review is a summary of the major findings of self-administration studies with regards to epigenetic processes of addiction to the following drugs: 1) cocaine; 2) heroin; and 3) methamphetamine.

Effects of Epigenetic and Transcription Processes on Drug Addiction in Self-Administration Models

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