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러시아-조지아 전쟁

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
22페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Section 1. Introduction

Section 2. Geo-political and historical background

Section 3. Main Conflict
1) General Overview
2) Direct trigger of war
3) Summary of the five day war

Section 4 Case Study-Abkhazia

Section 5. Causes of the Russo-Georgian War
1) Cultural, ethnic conflict in the region
2) Russian expansion under Putin
3) Russia vs. western forces

Section 6. Future Prospects & Policy Suggestions


Section 1. Introduction
Russo-Georgian War in 2008 was a short war that only lasted five days, but it was a burst of the long lasted tension simmering throughout Caucasus region. It started from ethnic conflict between Georgia and South Ossetia, a minority group in Georgia, but escalated into an international conflict involving Russia and the western forces. This escalation would be explained by the fact that Caucasus region has been an explosive of conflict on the verge of explosion due to the complexities of geopolitical importance and ethnic varieties of this region. Therefore, to understand this short five-day-war, it is essential to understand the geopolitical importance of Caucasus region and Georgia in it for Russia and western forces and a long history of ethnic feud between Georgia and South Ossetia. Therefore, in this report, firstly the geo-political importance of Caucasus region and Georgia will be covered, followed by a history of ethnic conflict in Georgia.

참고 자료

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