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Economic comparison between United Kingdom and Italy for past 10 years (영국과 이탈리아의 10년간 경제적 성장 비교)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영국 대학 리포트 (영문)
영국과 이탈리아의 10년간 경제적 성장 비교 (경제 통계자료 포함)
금융정책, 재정정책 비교


1. Introduction

2. Comparative analysis of economic indicators, U.K and Italy
2.1. During the recession (2008–2010)
2.1.1. GDP components
2.1.2. Unemployment
2.1.2. Competitiveness
2.2. During Eurozone crisis (2010-2012)
2.2.1. GDP components
2.2.2. Unemployment
2.2.3. Competitiveness
2.3. After the crisis (2012-2015)
2.3.1. GDP components
2.3.2. Unemployment
2.3.3. Competitiveness

3. Discussion of the economic policies pursued, U.K and Italy
3.1. During the recession (2008–2010)
3.1.1. Monetary policy of U.K
3.1.2. Fiscal policy of Italy
3.2. During Eurozone crisis (2010–2012)
3.2.1. Fiscal policy of U.K
3.2.2. Fiscal policy of Italy
3.3. After the crisis (2012–2015)
3.3.1. Monetary policy of U.K
3.3.2. Monetary policy of European Central Bank

4. Conclusion


European Central Bank (ECB) had decided to cut the interest rates and introduced cheap loans up to 400 billion pounds in 2014 (Jones, 2014). This was to attempt to encourage region’s small business in plight of credit. Consequently, loans to non-financial corporations growth rate has increased to -1.8 . And this policy had weakened the euro expecting to lift up the inflation. Hence, exchange rate had reduced to lower index of 94.9 (down from 99.5), it improved balance of trade to 3.2 (up from 2.9). As it is asserted in monetary theory, decrease in interest rate increased the investment expenditure (Parkin, 2012). Moreover, it also states that the main goal of monetary policy is price stability. It provides best available environment for households and firms which brings economic growth to the country. In result, it encourages the maximum sustainable growth rate of potential GDP. In fact, through this adopted policy, Italy had improved their GDP growth rate to 0.7 (up from -0.4).

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탑툰 이벤트
Economic comparison between United Kingdom and Italy for past 10 years (영국과 이탈리아의 10년간 경제적 성장 비교)
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