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기계실험2 실험보고서 총 6부, Mechanical Engineering Experiment 2, Lap Reports(6 Total), MMAE419, IIT

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/파일확장자 압축파일
가격 18,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Tension Test
2. Heat Exchanger
3. Charpy Impact Test
4. Fatigue Test
5. Hardness Test
6. Torsion Test


The purpose of this experiment was to test the tensile strength of the materials as using the Instron Computer Controlled Universal Testing Machine. Diverse materials were going to show different traits of each specimen. By experiment of this laboratory, tensile test was able to be understood the difference of the materials and how it is important as primary method of material acceptance, design limits, and quality control.

For the specifications of various materials, the necessary equations were from material text book. The basic engineering principles for this experiment were stress and strain. The engineering stress and strain equations were followed below:

<중 략>

Experimental Setup/Procedure:
The tested materials of whole lab sections were Steel 1018-Hot Rolled, Steel 1018-Cold Rolled, Aluminum 2024-T351, Aluminum 60616-T651, Cast Iron-Gray 20, Stainless steel 316, Acrylic-Cast, Copper 110, and Brass Naval hard.

참고 자료

Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Dowling, Prentice Hall
Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Dowling, Prentice Hall
Dowling, Norman E. Mechanical Behavior of Materials: Engineering Method for Deformation, Fracture, and Fatigue. Pearson Education, Limited, 2013
MMAE 419, Torsion Test – Laboratory #9

압축파일 내 파일목록

lab 2 419 Hyunjun Park.docx
lab 3 419 Hyunjun Park.docx
lab 4 419 Hyunjun Park.docx
Lab 7 Fracture Test Hyunjun Park.docx
lab 8 419 Hyunjun Park.docx
Torsion Test Hyunjun Park 최종.docx
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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기계실험2 실험보고서 총 6부, Mechanical Engineering Experiment 2, Lap Reports(6 Total), MMAE419, IIT
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