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국제형사재판소 판례; 콩고 보고로 마을 대학살, case of situation in Congo; Bogoro Massacre(Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui)

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Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui, an allegedly former leader or senior commander of the Front des nationalistes et intégrationnistes, known as the National Integrationist Front (FNI), and the Patriotic Resistance Force in Ituri (FRPI), was arrested and surrendered by the referral of Government of the DRC (The Democratic Republic of the Congo) to the International Criminal Court on 6 February 2008, and accordingly he was transferred to the seat of the Court in The Hague at the following day. He was to stand trial on seven counts of war crimes and three counts of crimes against humanity allegedly committed during an attack against the Bogoro village on 24 February 2003. The trial started on 24 November 2009, and the case also included Germain Katanga as a cooperative accused who is still in custody of the International Criminal Court. However, the court considered those jointly accused persons were separately responsible, decided to sever the charges against Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui and Germain Katanga on 21 November 2012.

참고 자료

International Criminal Court (27 February 2015), Case Information Sheet; Situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, The Prosecutor v. Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui, ICC-01/04-02/12. Retrieved on 21 May 2015, available from http://www.icc-cpi.int/iccdocs/PIDS/publications/ChuiEng.pdf
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court(Adopted on 17.07.1998),(Entry into Force: 01.07.2002),(Source : UNDCPEICC), Published by the International Criminal Court. ISBN No. 92-9227-227-6, ICC-PIDS-LT-01-002/11_Eng. Retrieved on 21 May 2015, available from http://www.icc-cpi.int/NR/rdonlyres/ADD16852-AEE9-4757-ABE7-9CDC7CF02886/283503/RomeStatutEng1.pdf
International Criminal Court (2 July 2007),Warrant of arrest for Germain Katanga (last modified 28 June,2008), Retrieved on 21 May 2015, available from http://www.icc-cpi.int/iccdocs/doc/doc349648.pdf#search=Warrant%20of%20arrest%20for%20Germain%20Katanga
International Criminal Court,The trial of Germain Katanga & Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui resumes 26 January, 2010. ICC-CPI-20100125-MA60. Retrieved 21 May 2015, available from http://www.icc-cpi.int/en_menus/icc/press%20and%20media/press%20releases/press%20releases%20(2010)/Pages/ma60.aspx
Tristan McConnell (15 February 2008)."A Congo warlord – arrested for crimes against humanity – explains himself", The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved on 21 May 2015, available from http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Africa/2008/0215/p20s01-woaf.html
United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2004). Special report on the events in Ituri, January 2002-December 2003, pp. 22-23. S/2004/573.
Agence France-Presse (1 March 2003). Rebels claim 300 people are massacred in northeastern DR Congo. Retrieved 21 May 2015, available from http://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/rebels-claim-300-people-are-massacred-northeastern-dr-congo
International Criminal Court (27 February 2015), Question and Answers, Judgment on the appeal against the acquittal of Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui; Situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, The Prosecutor v. Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui, ICC-01/04-02/12. Retrieved on 21 May 2015, available from http://www.icc-cpi.int/iccdocs/PIDS/publications/ChuiQA27-02-2015-ENG.pdf
"DR Congo: Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui acquitted of war crimes by ICC". BBC News Online, 18 December 2012. Retrieved on 21 May 2015, available from http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-20766597
"ICC acquits Congolese warlord". ABC News. 18 December 2012. Retrieved 21 May 2015, available from http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-12-18/icc-acquits-congolese-warlord/4434914
"In second verdict, war crimes court acquits Congolese". Reuters. 18 December 2012. . Retrieved 21 May 2015, available from http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/12/18/us-icc-congo-ngudjolo-idUSBRE8BH0AG20121218
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국제형사재판소 판례; 콩고 보고로 마을 대학살, case of situation in Congo; Bogoro Massacre(Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui)
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