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고위험 모기지론에 대한 감정, 서브프라임 모기지 (영어-미국대학)

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Appraisals for Higher Risk Mortgage Loans
“Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men? It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again!” This stirring song, made famous from the musical Les Miserables, is sung by French youth fighting for freedom and democracy against the absolute monarchy of 19th century France. There always have been the privileged ruling class and the majority of the people through the history whether it is in Western or Eastern. History consists of conflict, strife, and fight between the classes. And history repeats itself. In 1789, the French Revolution parallels the Occupy Wall Street movement in 2011. Now people raise their voice in demand of regulation on Wall Street. As a rule proposed by the National Credit Union Administration in September 5th, 2012,

<중 략>

Originators cared less because they only sold the loans but did not bear the risk. On the other hand, subprime lenders bore little liability for the vast amounts of funds that were made available through securitization. Bond insurers and not the originators bore the risk for bad appraisals. This is because the loan trusts into which subprime loans were made available were insured against such fraudulent activities. Bearing this in mind, it would suffice to say that a stronger appraisal for subprime loans is mandatory to ensure that such a scenario does not cripple global economy once more.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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