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[에세이, 영문, A+} The black cat/ 소설 더블랙켓 감상문

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최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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애드거 앨런 포우의 소설 The Black Cat을 잃고 작성한 영문 독서 감상문입니다.
미국현지에서 학교를 다니며 작성한글로 최종 수정본입니다.




(Institute)The Black Cat
‘The black cat’ is one of Edgar Poe’s short gothic fictious stories intended to work the readers’ senses. In general, the narrator is talking about Karma (Karma is a Buddhist believe that good deeds begets a good life and bad deeds beget bad life). The narrator describes how he committed an evil deed early in his life and how guilt ate into him forcing him to cover his wrongs with more wrongs. ‘The black cat’ is filled with references to apparitions and inescapable acts which mostly are supernaturally displayed. The narrator, who tells the story in a first person’s context, explains how unjust, horrid acts never go unpunished. The title ‘the black cat’ suggests that a cat is important in this story and prepares the reader mentally to anticipate the involvement of a cat.

<중 략>

The cat reappears again when the narrator taps the wall he had hid his wife. The cat cries out loudly forcing the police to tear down the wall and here they discover the body of the narrators’ wife and the cat sitting on her head. The events led to his conviction and he tells his story in a cell.
In an intricate shocking way, Poe is able to intertwine, murder, revenge and fire in one short story. The story indicates that the narrators rage was not caused by the black cat but by alcohol. To describe his affection, the “The Black Cat” story uses up to two paragraphs describing the bond between the cat and the narrator. As t story progresses the narrator and the cat change characters

참고 자료

Meyers, Jeffrey (1992). Edgar Allan Poe: his life and legacy. New York City: Charles Scribner`s Sons.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[에세이, 영문, A+} The black cat/ 소설 더블랙켓 감상문
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