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스포츠영어 구기종목 영문 테니스 소개

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최종 저작일
3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


테니스 영문 소개.과제로 제출해서 A+ 받았습니다.




In the world, a lot of sports are famous. One of them is tennis. But tennis is not as famous as soccer or basketball. A lot of people do not know tennis rules and also they think tennis is very easy. I will introduce tennis, what is tennis, tennis rules, basic skills, courts, and tournaments. Hopefully, this essay will help you.
If people want to play any sports, they must know about what it is. Tennis is a racquet sport play between two players or four players. If players want to get a point, players swing the racquet to hit a hollow rubber ball to opponent who can not successfully hit back it. In the tennis rules they stand on each side of the court. The player who is serving the ball to start the point is called the server and the opposite player is the receiver. If the server serves the ball and the opponent does not return is, it is called an ace. And they choose who serves first. They decide by a toss of a coin or racquet. The server must stand behind the baseline on the deuce court. The receiver can stand where they like but must let the ball bounce in the service box. In tennis, let is when the service hits the net and lands in the opponent’s court is.

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